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在现实生活中“人治”大于“法治”的现象仍然存在,一些执法机关只注重自己手中握有的权力,不论其行为是否合法便去实施,导致执法不公,给当事人造成侵害,严重损害了公民享有的权利。没有监督的权力必然会产生腐败,如果没有一种有效的监督体制,执法犯法,贪赃枉法,滥用权力等违法行为势必会愈演愈烈,腐败分子也会随之产生。面对这种有法不依、违法难究、执法不公的现状,为了保证法律全面正确的实施,执法责任制便应运而生了。一执法责任制是指依照法律规定确定执法主体资格,明确执法职责,规范执法行为,并追究违法执法者责任的一种法律制度。这一制度的建立,改变了过去执法者权力大于法的现象,使执法者在行使国家赋予的权力的同时,也要为自己的违法行为承担相应的法律后果。执法责任制的重点 In real life, the phenomenon of “rule of man” is greater than that of “rule of law” still exists. Some law enforcement agencies only pay attention to the power they hold in their hands and implement them regardless of whether they are legal or not, resulting in unfair law enforcement and infringement on the parties. Seriously damaged the rights of citizens. Without supervision, power will inevitably lead to corruption. Without an effective supervision system, law-breaking crimes, corruption and abuse of power will inevitably intensify and corrupt elements will follow. Faced with this status quo that there is no law, hardworking and law enforcement are unfair, in order to ensure the full and correct implementation of law, the responsibility system for law enforcement has emerged. A law enforcement responsibility system refers to the law to determine the qualifications of law enforcement, a clear law enforcement responsibilities, regulate law enforcement activities, and prosecuted a law enforcement responsibility of a legal system. The establishment of this system has changed the phenomenon that the law enforcement officials’ power exceeded the law in the past, so that while enforcing the power granted by the state, law enforcement officials should also bear the corresponding legal consequences for their own violations. The focus of law enforcement responsibility system
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