Optically Stimulated Luminescence(OSL) Chronology of the Dehenglong Landslide from Longyang Gorge to

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:worinimmde
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Giant landslides are common along the upper Yellow River from Longyang Gorge to Liujia Gorge, and some of them even blocked and dammed the upper Yellow River. Chronology is inevitable in studying the mechanism of giant landslides. Controversy exists about the chronology of those giant landslides, and some have not yet dated. The Dehenglong landslide is the largest one among them. In this study, OSL samples were collected from lacustrine silty sediments and loess directly overlying the landslide sediments, as well as fault sediments related to the landslide. This landslide yielded an age of 89 ± 8 ka, which is identical with the fault age of 73 ± 5 ka at two sigma errors. The agreement of a topographic analysis and the absolute age of landslides imply that the formation of the Dehenglong landslide is strongly correlated with the tectonic activity. Giant landslides are common along the upper Yellow River from Longyang Gorge to Liujia Gorge, and some of them even blocked and dammed the upper Yellow River. Chronology is inevitable in studying the mechanism of giant landslides. Controversy exists about the chronology of those giant landslides, And this have not yet dated dated. The Dehenglong landslide is the largest one among them. In this study, OSL samples were collected from lacustrine silty sediments and loess directly overlying the landslide sediments, as well as fault sediments related to the landslide. This landslide yielded The agreement of a topographic analysis and the absolute age of landslides imply that the formation of the Dehenglong landslide is strongly correlated with the tectonic activity.
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