文登市“八五”以来,在国家“放开、搞活、扶持、引导”方针的指导下,民营科研机构随着科技体制改革的逐步深化和市场经济的发展已初具规模,形成了科研、引进、推广、开发、经营一体化发展新路子。突出表现在以下三个方面: 一是门类齐全,人数较多。目前,全市民营科研机构已发展到27家,拥有机械、电子、化工、通讯、食品等十几大类,从业人员达780多人。
Owing to the guideline of “liberalization, invigoration, support and guidance” of the state since the Eighth Five-Year Plan of Wendeng City, with the gradual deepening of the reform of the scientific and technological system and the development of the market economy, private scientific research institutions have begun to take shape and formed a series of fields such as scientific research, Introduce, promote, develop, operate a new path of integrated development. Outstanding performance in the following three aspects: First, a complete range, a larger number. At present, the city's private scientific research institutions have grown to 27, with machinery, electronics, chemicals, telecommunications, food and more than 10 major categories, employing more than 780 people.