Improved Hepascore in hepatitis C predicts reversal in risk of adverse outcome

来源 :World Journal of Hepatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jners08
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AIM To establish if serial Hepascore tests(referred to as delta Hepascore) in those with chronic hepatitis C(CHC) correlate with the increase and/or decrease in risk of liver related complications.METHODS Three hundred and forty-six CHC patients who had two Hepascore tests performed were studied. During 1944 patient years follow-up 28(8.1%) reached an endpoint. The Hepascore is a serum test that provides clinically useful data regarding the stage of liver fibrosis andsubsequent clinical outcomes in chronic liver disease.RESULTS Patients with a baseline Hepascore > 0.75 had a significantly increased rate of reaching a composite endpoint consisting of hepatocellular carcinoma, liver death, and/or decompensation(P < 0.001). In those with an initial Hepascore > 0.75, a subsequent improved Hepascore showed a significantly decreased risk for the composite endpoint(P = 0.004). There were no negative outcomes in those with a stable or improved delta Hepascore. The minimum time between tests that was found to give a statically significant result was in those greater than one year(P = 0.03).CONCLUSION In conclusion, Hepascore is an accurate predictor of liver related mortality and liver related morbidity in CHC patients. Of note, we have found that there is a decreased risk of mortality and morbidity in CHC patients when the patient has an improving delta Hepascore. Repeat Hepascore tests, when performed at a minimum one-year interval, may be of value in routine clinical practice to predict liver related clinical outcomes and to guide patient management. AIM To establish if serial Hepascore tests (referred to as delta Hepascore) in those with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) correlate with the increase and / or decrease in risk of liver related complications. METHODS Three hundred and forty-six CHC patients who had two During 1944 patient years follow-up 28 (8.1%) reached an endpoint. The Hepascore is a serum test that provides clinically useful data regarding the stage of liver fibrosis andssequentquent clinical outcomes in chronic liver disease. In those with an initial Hepascore> 0.75, a subsequent improved Hepascore showed a significant decreased rate of reaching a composite endpoint consisting of hepatocellular carcinoma, liver death, and / or decompensation (P <0.001) risk for the composite endpoint (P = 0.004). There were no negative outcomes in those with a stable or improved delta Hepascore. The minimum time between tests th at was found to give a statically significant result was in those greater than one year (P = 0.03) .CONCLUSION In conclusion, Hepascore is an accurate predictor of liver related mortality and liver related morbidity in CHC patients. Of note, we have found that there is a decreased risk of mortality and morbidity in CHC patients when the patient has an improving delta Hepascore. Repeat Hepascore tests, when performed at a minimum one-year interval, may be of value in routine clinical practice to predict liver related clinical outcomes and to guide patient management.
在吾塞,一场又一场漫长的下午时光,我们在森林之巅的小木屋中喝茶。雪白的羊油舀进滚烫的黑茶,坚硬的干面包被用力掰碎,泡进茶水。泡软了之后,锡勺搅在碗里,慢慢舀啊舀啊,一口口吃掉。那么安静。风经过森林,像巨大的灵魂经过森林。森林在敞开的木门之外,在视平线的下方。从小木屋里看出去,天空占据了世界的三分之二,它的蓝色光滑而坚硬。这时,斯马胡力说:“这个木头房子嘛,夏天嘛,是人的,冬天嘛,是熊的。”  六月
知识只有插上了情感的翅膀,才会富有趣味性的幽默和魅力。在新课程要求下,教学特别是数学教学,更应添加情感教育的成分,通过情感教育更好更有效地提高数学课的教学质量 Only
人类觉得自己摆脱了动物界后高高在上,以俯视众生的态度傲慢自大,觉得自己情感丰富,知道爱与恨,知道忧与愁,还知道浪漫与回忆。曾有动物专家说,没有证据证明哺乳类动物能够回忆,懂得浪漫。  人类就将浪漫攫为己有。无非是拿一束人工栽培的玫瑰到人家门口献媚,在腻腻的蛋糕上插上几支蜡烛许愿以博得欢心。人说动物不懂这些,这叫文化,动物没有文化,只知吃和拉。而动物说,人也就是多一些幺蛾子而已。  动物不仅懂感情,