Pre-illness changes in dietary habits and diet as a risk factor for inflammatory bowel disease: A ca

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tmdjapanese
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AIM: To evaluate whether symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), before diagnosis modify dietary habits, and to investigate the pre-illness diet in patients with recent IBD in comparison with an age-matched healthy control group. METHODS: Overall, 83 new cases of IBD (41 ulcerative colitis, 42 Crohn’s disease) and 160 healthy controls were studied. Portions per week of 34 foods and beverages before onset of symptoms were recorded using a validated questionnaire. Duration of symptoms before IBD diagnosis, presence of specific symptoms and their impact on subjective changes in usual dietary habits were also recorded. The association between diet and IBD was investigated by multiple logistic regression and dietary patterns were assessed by factor analysis. RESULTS: Changes in dietary habits, due to the presence of symptoms, were reported by 38.6% of patients and were not significantly related to specific symptoms, rather to long duration of symptoms, only in Crohn’s disease patients. In IBD patients who did not change dietary habits, moderate and high consumption of margarine (OR = 11.8 and OR = 21.37) was associated with ulcerative colitis, whilst high consumption of red meat (OR = 7.8) and high intake of cheese were associated with Crohn’s disease. CONCLUSION: More than one third of IBD patients change dietary habits before diagnosis. Margarine, red meat and cheese increase the risk of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. AIM: To evaluate whether inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), before diagnosis modify dietary habits, and to investigate the pre-illness diet in patients with recent IBD in comparison with an age-matched healthy control group. METHODS: Overall, 83 new Cases of IBD (41 ulcerative colitis, 42 Crohn’s disease) and 160 healthy controls were studied. Portions per week of 34 foods and beverages before onset of symptoms were recorded using a validated questionnaire. Duration of symptoms before IBD diagnosis, presence of specific symptoms and their impact on subjective changes in usual dietary habits were also recorded. The association between diet and IBD was investigated by multiple logistic regression and dietary patterns were assessed by factor analysis. RESULTS: Changes in dietary habits, due to the presence of symptoms, were reported by 38.6% of patients and were not significantly related to specific symptoms, rather to long duration of symptoms, only in Crohn’s disease patients In IBD patients who did not change dietary habits, moderate and high consumption of margarine (OR = 11.8 and OR = 21.37) was associated with ulcerative colitis, whilst high consumption of red meat (OR = 7.8) and high intake of cheese were associated with Crohn’s disease. CONCLUSION: More than one third of IBD patients change dietary habits before diagnosis. Margarine, red meat and cheese increase the risk of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.
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摘 要:课堂是学生成长的摇篮,它占据了学生大部分的生活空间,在课堂教学上运用什么样的思想指导课堂教学,对学生数学素养的生成起着至关重要的作用。积极倡导数学课堂的动态生成是新课程标准的重要理念。关注课堂生成,正确处理课堂生成,让课堂在預设与生存的融合中放出异彩,课堂教学才能焕发出生命力和思维的火花。  关键词:数学课堂;预设;动态生成;感悟  中图分类号:G712 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992
Q大陆是一名高中一年级的学生,自从升入高中后,原本性格开朗的他变得越来越沉默。就算在家里也是一副苦恼的样子。原来,大陆的普通话不标准,一次语文课上的口误引得全班哄堂大笑,从那以后每个人看到大陆都要提一提,说一说。时间一长,大陆就觉得十分自卑,不再愿意和同学交往。  A在青少年的成长过程中,会因为各种各样的原因,导致心理上的自卑感。“望子成龙,望女成凤”可以说是所有家长的终生梦想。家长该怎样引导青少