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1阿松拿着竹竿往河里一撑,身子用力一甩,“嗖”地就跃过了小河对岸。大热天的,好像连河水都不愿意流动了,本来就不宽的河水这时候变成了浅浅的一汪,河底的石头都露了出来。远远顺水漂来的一群鸭子嘎嘎地乱叫,一只只挤在一起,看上去倒像一堆浮在水上的棉花。阿松认出这是自家的鸭子,于是捡了几块石子朝鸭群扔去,落到河里溅起大大的水花,把鸭子吓得扯着嗓门大叫起来。阿松伸出竹竿不断地赶着这些聒噪的家伙,一边嚷嚷:“快回去,害得我找了一下午,再不回去, A Assoon took a bamboo pole to the river, a force, the body shook, ”wind “ jump over the other side of the river. On a hot day, it seemed as if the river was unwilling to flow, and the river, which was not wide at that time, turned into a superficial river at this time. All the stones in the river were exposed. A group of ducks floated far and away rattled and crowded together, looking like a pile of cotton floating on the water. Assong recognize this is their own duck, so picked up a few stones thrown toward the group of ducks, splashing into the river splashing, screamed the duck shouting loudly. Ason sticks out of the bamboo pole continue to catch these noisy guy, while yelling: ”Quickly go back, causing me to find a noon, do not go back,
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这里是一个与世界接轨的舞台,这里有来自四十多个国家的七百多名学生就读,是名副其实的小联合国。也许,这些学生将来就是主宰这个世界的领导者! This is a stage that is in
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