Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of X80 HTP Pipeline Steel Produced by Steckel Mill

来源 :Engineering Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JK0803_gengjixiang
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The demand for energy becomes a bottleneck in development of China.Economically delivering natural gas and oil through pipeline is an urgent problem to be solved.In the present work,X80 pipeline steel with high toughness and thickness 21.0 mm was produced through HTP(High Temperature Processing)by Steckel mill rolling.And the microstructure and mechanical properties of the X80 pipeline steel,which produced by different processing parameters such as reheating temperature of slabs,resume temperature,finishing temperature,accelerated cooling exit temperature and cooling rate,were analyzed.The results show that finishing temperature of 800-820℃ and cooling rate above 20℃/s are necessary to obtain fine and uniform acicular ferrite with high solute niobium in X80 pipeline steel. The demand for energy becomes a bottleneck in development of China. Economically delivered natural gas and oil through the pipeline is an urgent problem to be solved. In the present work, X80 pipeline steel with high toughness and thickness 21.0 mm was produced through HTP (High Temperature Processing) by Steckel mill rolling. And the produced by different processing parameters such as reheating temperature of slabs, resume temperature, finishing temperature, accelerated cooling exit temperature and cooling rate, were analyzed. results show that finishing temperature of 800-820 ℃ and cooling rate above 20 ℃ / s are necessary to obtain fine and uniform acicular ferrite with high solute niobium in X80 pipeline steel.
去年这个时候,它伴随着巨痛,在一片平坦的草地上生下了一只小鹿。它把小鹿的身子舔干净,准备给它喂奶的时候,一条凶猛的猎狗,伸出长长的舌头,闪电般跑过来,使得它万分惊恐,毛骨悚然。它摇晃着脑袋,蹬着前蹄,给猎狗一个下马威。然而,猎狗似有人为它撑腰,到这个高原游荡,像鹞子叼鸟一般,强行将还没来得及一睹妈妈容颜的弱小灵魂,打发进黑暗的世界。  它抱着极大的希望,尾追一段猎狗,希望它放开它的孩子时,发现一个
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01 Millennium Bridge  伦敦千禧桥  Location: St. Pauls  拍摄地点:圣保罗  It took a really long time to stop the Millennium footbridge wobbling, and the Death Eaters just knocked it down. Happily, it’s standing aga
××: 你好!我在上影厂《大泽龙蛇》组工作很愉快,只是这个组工作安排得相当紧张,一天工作结束,倒在床上就想睡觉。也许你又在笑了,认为我采用了夸张的手法。不,这是真的。