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近年来,部队官兵遇到的涉法问题中,离婚纠纷不断增多,涉及军人离婚财产归属或分割的问题成为广大官兵关心的一个热点。军人由于身份上的特殊性,其财产性质比较复杂,所涉及的法律规定也比较庞杂。为此,我们专门对涉及军人财产归属的有关法律规定进行了认真梳理.特向广大官兵做个全面系统的介绍。一、夫妻财产确定归属的一般原则《婚姻法》对夫妻财产的归属实行“约定优于法定”的原则。即夫妻双方对财产归属有约 In recent years, the issue of law-related issues encountered by the officers and soldiers of the armed forces has seen increasing disputes over divorce. The issue concerning the ownership or division of the divorce property of military personnel has become a hot topic of concern to the vast numbers of officers and men. Owing to the special status of soldiers, the nature of their property is rather complicated and the legal provisions involved are quite complicated. To this end, we have conscientiously sorted out the relevant legal provisions concerning the vesting of military property, and made a comprehensive and systematic introduction to the vast majority of officers and soldiers. First, the marital property to determine the general principle of attribution “Marriage Law” to the ownership of the property of the couple to implement “agreement is better than the statutory ” principle. That is, both husband and wife about property ownership
本演讲所涉及的宏观经济统计账户手册,包括规定概念、定义、标准的概念性手册,如何编制账户的操作性手册,以及专业性手册和对现有账户进行修改的指南性手册等。 The macroec
已有的经验研究文献认为。中国大陆经济增长是国防费支出的 Granger 原因或二者之间没有因果关系。本文研究发现,中国大陆在1952—2006年间的国防费支出(DS)与国内生产总值(G
65龚鉴尧同志书画作品@龚鉴尧$广东省统计局!原局长 65 Comrade Gong Jiangyao’s calligraphy and painting works @ Gong Jian Yao $ Guangdong Bureau of Statistics! Fo
<正> 西方科学哲学向何处去?逻辑实证主义已成明日黄花,六十年代兴起的以库恩、费耶阿本德为代表的历史主义学派也大势已去。目前的局面是,科学哲学无一人敢斗胆问鼎,但美国哲学家尼克斯(T·Nickles)则说:“波普、库恩、费耶阿本德、拉卡托斯和图尔敏的迷人的争论似乎要进入一个新阶段,劳丹和夏佩尔将成为中心人物。”一批新人正在崛起,我国有人将他们称为科学哲学中的新历史学派。达·夏佩尔是这一学派的主要代表,本文拟扼要地介绍他的几个基本哲学观点。达·夏佩尔(Dudley Shapere,1928.5
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