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  The northwest is 2)blanketed by snow, with several inches falling last night. Eager to avoid the mess that occurred a couple years ago when, out of environmental extremism, Seattle refused to salt its steep downtown streets, paralyzing the city, 3)snowplowing, sanding and salting commenced immediately. Our daughter, fearing difficulty getting to work in her 4)teeny car, was set to 5)sleep over at our house, which is much closer than hers to her job.
  Needless to say, for a mom still afflicted with the dreaded 6)Empty Nest Syndrome since our son went off to study abroad this September, I was thrilled to have an evening of movies, 7)Bananagrams and face time chat, rather than merely the online kind. With the wind whipping outside, my daughter commented as we sorted our Bananagrams 8)tiles that she was glad we still had electricity. That’s when the lights went off. My next words: “Thanks, sweetie.”
  Thanksgiving gains a new item for gratitude when you realize just how dependent we are on electricity. And on a whole lot more.
  I got out some candles and the 9)hand-crank emergency lantern. My husband 10)relished this opportunity to use his 11)wind-up flashlight. He brought in an armful of firewood since our furnace could no longer shield us from the 26-degree weather outside. I was just thinking that this could be a fun adventure when my daughter’s boyfriend called. He was at his parents’ home a few blocks away from us. “What? You’ve lost power? We’ve still got ours; why don’t you come over here?” he suggested. His parents, too, were recent empty-nesters, and had plenty of spare bedrooms. My husband would 12)have none of it. Abandon our home to darkness and snow? Not under his 13)macho watch.
  The steep driveway at the parents’ house 14)precluded boyfriend’s driving to pick up our daughter, so my 15)hunky husband insisted he walk her through the darkness to meet him. “Stay home,” he commanded me. “I don’t want you out in this.” What if on his solo return, he slipped, fell and crushed his cell phone, and was left to be 16)frostbitten in the snow? After the usual male-female debate, the three of us set out in the 17)hazy moonlight through a forest, our boots 18)crunching the virgin snow. Only 19)meager flashlights lit our footsteps. The 20)eerie stillness was punctuated by gusts 21)whirring through 22)firs. The cold was 23)invigorating, the snow brightening deep-laden boughs. I sniffled with the chill; my husband’s tree branch walking stick struck the earthen path in rhythmic 24)accompaniment. Poetic experience.
  How to arise on time tomorrow, when it’s too dark to read a wristwatch, and the clock radio’s blank? Food’s colder on the counter than in the fridge. Candle wax drips on floor and counter; can’t read by its 25)flickering light. Sitting in near-dark in a down coat, gloves and high boots, watching breath form steam. The phone company recording says power should be restored at 3 am. Nothing to do but go to sleep. On this Thanksgiving eve, I marvel at how spoiled we are. It has not been that long since every nighttime brought the end to most productive activities. It was as different as night and day; now both 26)meld into 24-hour florescent-lit supermarkets where your choice of cereals spans four rows of products, thirty feet long. Where we are reachable at all times, by phone, text, Skype, and if we choose, our location anywhere on earth can be 27)pinpointed and broadcast, moving here-to-there. We can watch any television program at any time while in bed, at a coffee house, even while riding a bus. We can take pictures and video and post them for the world to see, and replay, and distort, and put 28)auto-tune to, each person with potential for fame gone 29)viral.
  What has this done? Unfortunately, it’s made us impatient and selfish. If the Internet’s down, we get indignant. If we have to wait in line, we 30)fume and call a manager. We no longer take responsibility for what 31)befalls us. Every accident is someone else’s fault and that someone will be 32)sued and have to pay. All this causes stress and worry and makes us angry. Anger is the opposite of happiness. The 33)antidote to anger is gratitude. Gratitude is actually a 34)demanding, complex emotion that requires self-reflection, the ability to admit that one is dependent upon the help of others, and the humility to realize one’s own limitations.
  Our culture pushes us toward arrogance, 35)narcissism, instant gratification and materialism, as opposed to the 36)abstracts of kindness and appreciation. With an iPhone in your hand, you control the world; you’re powerful. That is, until the electricity goes out. Without your charger, without battery, without light or heat, you realize your true size and true dependence. Not just on the electric company, but on the Power who determines your continued existence, and the people who make it worthwhile.
  I was so thankful at 3 am, awakened by lights blazing in the house, clock numbers by my bed flashing, and the furnace 37)whooshing on. The thermometer outside reads 16 degrees at the moment, but I don’t take for granted being warm. It’s the perfect time to remember we’re all vulnerable, interconnected, and small, with so many wonders and miracles to enjoy. And for which to give thanks.
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