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根据我国鱿钓船多年在秘鲁、智利和哥斯达黎加外海生产调查所采集的茎柔鱼样本,对3个不同作业海区茎柔鱼渔业生物学特性进行比较分析。研究表明,秘鲁、智利和哥斯达黎加外海茎柔鱼胴长范围分别为209~1 149 mm、166~837 mm和204~429 mm,优势胴长分别为250~400 mm、300~450 mm和250~350 mm,对应的渔获物中雌雄性比平均值分别为3.87∶1、2.50∶1、3.75∶1。根据胴长组成以及性成熟,认为秘鲁外海存在大型、中型和小型3个群体,智利外海以中型群体为主体并存在少量的大型群体,哥斯达黎加外海以小型群体为主体并存在少量的中型群体。秘鲁和智利外海茎柔鱼体重与胴长关系式的生长参数b值为3.06~3.17,而哥斯达黎加外海为2.57~2.63。秘鲁和智利外海茎柔鱼性腺成熟度均以Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级为主,而哥斯达黎加外海则以Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ级为主。各月间摄食等级差异变化较为显著,但基本上以0~2级为主体。研究表明,3个海区茎柔鱼种群结构和生物学特性总体上有所差异。研究亮点:首次对秘鲁、智利和哥斯达黎加外海3个不同作业海区茎柔鱼渔业生物学特性进行比较分析,研究认为秘鲁外海存在大型、中型和小型3个群体,智利外海以中型群体为主体并存在少量的大型群体,哥斯达黎加外海以小型群体为主体并存在少量的中型群体。生长参数存在差异,各月间摄食等级差异变化较为显著。研究表明,3个海区茎柔鱼种群结构和生物学特性总体上有所差异。 According to the squid fishing samples collected from Peru, Chile and Costa Rica offshore production surveys conducted by our squid fishing boat for many years, the fishery biological characteristics of Squidfish in three different sea areas were compared and analyzed. The results showed that the length of the maricella from Peru, Chile and Costa Rica was 209-1 149 mm, 166-837 mm and 204-429 mm, respectively, and the dominant mast length was 250-400 mm, 300-450 mm and 250-250 mm, respectively. 350 mm, the corresponding ratio of males to females was 3.87: 1, 2.50: 1, 3.75: 1 respectively. According to the composition of the carcass and its sexual maturity, there are three large, medium and small groups in the open sea of ​​Peru. The outer sea of ​​Chile is dominated by medium-sized groups and there are a few large-sized groups, with small-sized groups as the main body and a few medium-sized groups outside Costa Rica. The values ​​of the growth parameter b of the relationship between body weight and body length of Peruvian and Chilean offshore Spermophilus were 3.06-3.17, while that of Costa Rica was 2.57-2.63. In Peru and Chile, the gonadal maturity of Solenopsis thaliana was mainly Grade I and II, while that of Costa Rica was mainly Grade II, III and IV. The changes of feeding grade in each month showed significant changes, but were mainly 0 ~ 2 grades. The results showed that the structure and biological characteristics of Solentha colline in the three sea areas were generally different. Research highlights: For the first time, comparative analysis of fishery biological characteristics of Scurry fish in three different sea areas of Peru, Chile and Costa Rica, the study found that there are three large, medium and small groups in the outer sea of ​​Peru. A small number of large groups, the Costa Rica off the sea as a small group as the main body and there are a small number of medium-sized groups. There are differences in growth parameters, and the changes of the food grade in each month are more obvious. The results showed that the structure and biological characteristics of Solentha colline in the three sea areas were generally different.
1.導言,設F′,F为兩定點、且F′F的長为2c,一點P在平面中运動,滿足下列關係: F′P+vFP=2a,(1)这裏v,a是常数,且a>0,v≠0,a≠c,|v|≠1,v≠a/c則P點的軌跡为笛卡兒卵形线,取F
一个算字,乾坤大。  不算而做是蛮干,不算而行要走散,不算而烹要糊饭,不算而言方寸乱。  有道是“事前多筹算,事后才好办;事前不筹算,事后找难堪。”  算得细,是指前期工作做得好,好的开头就等于实现了成功的一半。开头顺,则全程易。  事前锱铢必较,事后没有烦恼。事前翻个底朝天,事后舒服老半天。  有句话说得好,会说不如会看,会看不会会干,会干不如会算。算得清,千头万绪成直线;算得明,林林总总不慌乱
《全日制义务教育数学课程标准 (实验稿 )》以下简称《标准》)指出 :“要使学生初步认识数学与人类社会的密切联系及对人类历史发展的作用 .”数学史是数学教学目标的重要组
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2016年4月消息,澳大利亚爱绿卡资源有限公司(Iluka Resources Limited)继2014年投资英国Metalysis有限公司2 250万澳元、2015年投资410万澳元后,再次追加投资1 250万澳元。Me