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如今,模式越来越受到企业界的重视,它既充满魅力、诱惑,又可能令人迷惑。本刊认为,企业运营的主要模式可以分为商业模式、管理模式与营销模式。商业模式是企业总的发展与赢利模式,管理模式是保证商业模式落地和提高运营效益的方法体系,营销模式则是商业模式的核心手段与实现形式。同时,企业可根据自身资源要素及成功经验,总结出自己的模式。然而,对模式的片面理解及单纯的模式创新往往带来模式的空心化。因此,企业需要认真思考的问题是:如何掌握三种模式以及它们之间的辨证关系?如何凭模式的创新驱动以竞争制胜?对此,我们策划了本期专题,希望广大读者能够从中获益。 Today, the model is increasingly valued by the business community, it is full of charm, temptation, but also may be confusing. Journal believes that the main mode of business operations can be divided into business model, management and marketing model. The business model is the overall development and profit model of the enterprise. The management model is a system of methods to ensure that the business model is in place and the operating efficiency is improved. The marketing model is the core means and the realization mode of the business model. At the same time, enterprises can sum up their own patterns according to their own resource elements and successful experiences. However, a one-sided understanding of the model and a simple pattern of innovation often lead to hollowing out of the model. Therefore, the problem that enterprises need to seriously consider is: how to master the three modes and the dialectical relationship between them? How to win with competition driven by innovation of mode? In this regard, we have planned this special issue in the hope that readers will benefit from it .
在中关村,一个充满活力的创新创业生态圈正在形成。 In Zhongguancun, a vibrant ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship is taking shape.
北京有三千年的建城史,八百五十多年的建都史,是世界著名古都、历史文化名城。它在世界城市史上占有重要地位,随着对外开放,世界在重新认识北京。 Beijing has 3,000 years
在全球金融危机和反倾销双重寒流的袭击下,外销型家居建材企业必须进行战略转型,把工作重点从过去的跟单,转移到品牌打造、渠道建设等“内功”的修炼上。 Under the global
孤独症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorders,ASD)是一种以社交交流和社交互动缺陷,狭隘的兴趣或活动、重复刻板行为为特征的神经发育障碍性疾病。选择适当的辅助检查不仅可帮
制造商:一汽丰田  召回时间:2013-12-06至  2014-12-05  车型:柯斯达  年款:2013  数量:358辆  缺陷情况:此次召回涉及发动机气门弹簧表面附着腐蚀物质。  可能后果:使用过程中以腐蚀部位为起点折断导致发动机工作不良,行驶过程中可能造成车辆熄火,存在安全隐患。  维修措施:四川一汽丰田汽车有限公司将为召回范围内的车辆免费更换发动机气门弹簧,以消除安全隐患。  改进措
摘 要: 随着时代的发展,科学的进步,电力、燃料等能源的短缺现象已得到极大的改善,但水资源的短缺却愈演愈烈。如何合理使用水,怎样才能节水已成为社会热点难题之一。国家经贸委副主任李荣融指出水资源短缺已经成为我国经济社会可持续发展的重要制约因素。  关键词: 洗浴器;节水;节能;校园;专利转让  中图分类号:TM621 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671—7597(2012)0920078—02