Research of Effect of ~(60)Co γ-ray Irradiation on Cell Cycle of SMMC-7721 Tumor Cell with Flow Cyto

来源 :IMP & HIRFL Annual Report | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mn012love
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The results of cell cycle play an important role in researching tumor occurrence, development and treatment. Most research results show that malignant grade and pharmic sensitivity of tumor are relative to cell cycle. The sensitivity of medications is different to different phases of cell cycle of tumor. In general, the cell of M are more sensitivity. On the side, different medications have different action in different cell cycle. The irradiation can change cell cycle process and can induce the pattern of changes in Cell cycle. For example, G1 arrest, G2 arrest and S arrest. So, the research results of tumor cell cycle in different irradiation have not only biological means but also realistic means for selecting chemical therapy medication after radiotherapy. The results of cell cycle play an important role in researching tumor occurrence, development and treatment. Most research results show that malignant grade and pharmic sensitivity of tumors are relative to cell cycle. The sensitivity of medications is different to different phases of cell cycle of tumor . On the side, different medications have different action in different cell cycle. The irradiation can change cell cycle process and can induce the pattern of changes in Cell cycle. For example, G1 arrest, G2, the research results of tumor cell cycle in different irradiation have not only biological means but also realistic means for selecting chemical therapy after radiotherapy.
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