Construction of an Open Innovation Network and Its Mechanism Design for Manufacturing Enterprises: A

来源 :中国工商管理研究前沿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tudeyu
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Innovation is the engine of development for enterprises,and there is an increasing trend to adopt an open innovation strategy.However,how to manage extal resources in an open,collaborative and complementary manner,and in a shared environment that will yield the greatest networking effects,it is a challenging task.Because there is no such a satisfactory model for an open innovation strategy that combine operational mechanisms with the management of extal resources.This article tries to fill the gap by adopting a resource-based perspective to construct an overall open innovation (OOI) business model.In this model,extal resources are classified as industrial and non-industrial entities,to enable the identification of the interaction methods between manufacturing enterprises and extal resources.The management of extal resources involved in a Technology Open Innovation (TOI) cycle is given particular attention that includes:1) the classification of the extal resources of a TOI,2) the general mechanisms extracted to promote qualified resources in and unqualified resources out,and 3) a business model to conceptualize the collaboration between enterprises and extal resources.A case study of TOI is also provided to empirically verify its feasibility.This paper contributes to the literature by providing an original operational model and mechanism design for an open innovation strategy that is capable of managing extal resources effectively.
事件一:最严厉调控三波紧缩,遏制房价上涨任重道远  事件二:推进房产税改革获批,沪渝试点开征箭已上弦  事件三:新一轮加息周期开启,资金紧缩楼市“雪上加霜”  事件四:新拆迁条例两征民意。拟立法取消“行政强拆”  事件五:公租房指导意见发布,“夹心层”纳入保障体系  事件六:78家夹企退出房地产,备受关注然而进展缓慢  事件七:三部委约谈地方官员,土地违规问责正式启动  事件八:空置房引发全民讨论