积极努力 扎实工作 争创全国农村中医工作先进县

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自1996年我县被市卫生局列为“创建全国农村中医工作先进县”试点县以来,各级政府领导更加重视和关心“试点县”工作,不折不扣地按照“试点县”实施办法和要求,健全组织,制订计划,落实措施,开展了一系列中医“试点县”的创建工作。1 领导重视,组织健全,分级管理我县被列为中医“试点县”以后,县委县府十分重视这项工作,明确要在3年内把我县建成一个高标准的全国农村中医工作先进县。为使这项工作计划能如期实施,调整充实了以分管县长为组长、县卫生局局长、财政局局长为副组长。由人大、政协及计划、财政、人事、卫生等部门组成的“振兴中医领导小组”。卫生局明确1名副局长具体分管中医工作。该小组每年召开2次会议,专题研究全县中医工作和制订年度发展规划,解决发展中医工作中的一些重大问题,为发展我县中 Since our county was listed by the Municipal Health Bureau as a pilot counties for the establishment of National Rural County Advanced TCM Work in 1996, government leaders at all levels have paid more attention to and care about the work of the “pilot county” and follow the “Pilot County” implementation method. And requirements, improve the organization, formulate plans, implement measures, and carry out the creation of a series of pilot county counties for traditional Chinese medicine. 1 After the leaders attach importance to, organize and improve, and grade management of our county has been listed as a pilot county of traditional Chinese medicine, the county party committee and the county government attaches great importance to this work, and it is clear that within three years, the county should be built into a high standard national advanced rural county of traditional Chinese medicine. In order to implement this work plan as scheduled, adjustments were made to take charge of the county governor as the leader, the county health bureau director, and the finance bureau chief deputy leader. The “Rejuvenating Chinese Medicine Leading Group” is composed of the National People’s Congress, the CPPCC, and the planning, finance, personnel, and health departments. The Health Bureau specified that a deputy director should be responsible for the work of Chinese medicine. The group meets twice a year to study the county’s traditional Chinese medicine work and formulate an annual development plan to solve some of the major issues in the development of traditional Chinese medicine work.
1 背景1·1 河南省结核病控制现状河南省是全国人口第一大省,人口9208万,肺结核患病率、涂阳患病率分别为530/10万,130/10万;现有活动性肺结核患者47.7万,其中涂阳病人13万,
我院自1995年对后勤工作进行大胆改革,统一规划,实行科学规范化管理,建立了“三个保障中心”,在几年的实践工作中收到较好效果。 维修中心:负责院区和家属生活区各类设施的
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