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1 工程概况 泗水县高峪乡土门村,在村东土门河附近打了一眼大口井作为水源,以解决村民饮水困难。由于水源井建在河道的凹岸,每逢汛期,洪水冲刷严重,每年侵蚀O.5~1m,直接威胁着工程的安全。为保护农田,1992年曾在此段砌筑护岸,但由于汛期洪峰流量大,护岸不能抵抗洪水的冲刷,造成部分倒塌,对护岸工程和农田造成严重破坏。 1993年,德国水利专家法尔布什教授考察该项目时提出了采用在弯道上游设置短溢流丁坝护岸挑流的方案。根据该方案,完成 1 Project Overview Tumen Gaoyu Township, Surabaya County, in the village near the East Tumen River took a big mouth as a source of water in order to solve the difficulties of drinking water villagers. Due to the water wells built in the bank of the river bank, every flood season, flooding serious erosion each year O.5 ~ 1m, a direct threat to the safety of the project. For the protection of farmland, in 1992, masonry was built in this section. Due to the heavy flood peak in flood season, revetment could not resist the erosion of flood and caused partial collapse, causing serious damage to bank protection works and farmland. In 1993, Prof.Fair Bush, a German water expert, visited the project and put forward the proposal of adopting a bank-spillway embankment for short overflow flow in the upstream of the bend. According to the program, done
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