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泡桐是我国较好的速生用材树种之一。具有易繁殖、材质轻、纹理直、隔音、隔潮、耐火、耐磨、不翘不裂、不易虫蛀等优良特性。泡桐木材用途广泛,是建筑和制做家具、农具、工艺品、文化用品和乐器的上等材,也是传统的出口物资,在对外贸易上占重要地位。泡桐的树形美观,是深受群众欢迎的四旁绿化树种。近年来,群众不但营造了很多片林,而且在农田林网和农桐间作中被广泛栽植。 Paulownia is one of the better growing species in China. With easy reproduction, light texture, straight texture, noise, moisture, fire, wear, no Alice not crack, not easy to moth-eaten and other fine features. Paulownia wood is widely used, is the construction and manufacture of furniture, farm tools, handicrafts, stationery and musical instruments of the finest material, is also a traditional export materials, in foreign trade occupies an important position. Paulownia trees beautiful, welcomed by the masses surrounded by green trees. In recent years, the masses have not only created a large number of forest patches, but also planted them extensively in the intercrops of farmland forest and farmland.
地震发生后,世界各国、中国社会各种力量迅速伸出支援的双手。捐款、物资、爱心纷纷涌入灾区。人们在本能地希望为灾区做点什么,而这本能背后,却是浓浓的人间真情。 After t
Maritime managers are the first line of coordination between seaborne LNG vessels and the wharf side. Using their years of experience in maritime navigation, ma
更加着眼于消费者的需求而不是单纯追求收益,将消费者视为第一,经销商第二,厂家第三,并在此基础上建立起关系,始终令丰田受益。在消费者至上被市场普遍认同的前提下,厂家与经销商生存攸关的联系需要开始被重视。  “销售的丰田”,这句反复被人提及的话语,并不能全部概括丰田在全球成功的理由,但却说出了丰田比竞争对手们最大的优势所在。在总销量逐步取代全球汽车行业老大通用而走向巅峰时,丰田的营销能力始终在让其他企
从水泥混凝土路面基层刚度对路面荷载的影响入手,对水泥混凝土路面基层刚度厚度与路面受力关系进行分析。 Starting from the influence of the basement stiffness of the
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