黄疃水库位于乳山市境内,可养鱼水面24 hm2。每年投放规格6~8尾/kg的鲢、鳙、草鱼、鲤、鲫、鲂等大规格鱼种,提高了鱼种成活率,鱼类养成周期由3年缩短至2年。发展网箱养殖1 000 m2,养殖的成鱼近一半出口到韩国。随市场行情决定捕捞时间,每年可增收5万~6万元。套养梭鲈,达到清野增产目的。水库渔业年纯收入30万元以上。
Huangpi reservoir is located in Rushan City, can fish surface 24 hm2. Large-sized fingerlings such as silver carp, bighead carp, grass carp, carp, crucian carp and bighead carp, which have sizes of 6 to 8 / kg, have been put into operation each year to improve the survival rate of fish species. The fish breeding cycle has been shortened from 3 years to 2 years. The development of cage culture 1 000 m2, farmed fish nearly half exported to South Korea. Decided to catch the market with the market time, an annual increase of 50,000 to 60,000 yuan. Raise pike perch, to achieve the purpose of Qing Ye increase production. Reservoir fisheries annual net income of 300000 yuan above.