在油库收发作业中采用的轻油装卸鹤管,虽经不断改进,仍还存在密封不严、转动不灵、使用不便等问题。为了克服上述缺陷,改善劳动条件,提高劳动效率,我院经过较广泛的调查研究,吸取国内外经验,反复进行方案比较,最后选定 Dg100—I 型鹤管为定型产品。图1 a 为鹤管外型,图1 b 为鹤管工作状态。经加工试制和初步使用,收到了较好效果,达到了密封性能可靠、旋转灵活、使用方便等要求。
The light oil handling crane pipe used in dispatching and dispatching operation of the oil depot still has some problems such as lax sealing, poor rotation and inconvenience to use even though it is continuously improved. In order to overcome the above shortcomings, improve working conditions and improve labor efficiency, our hospital through a more extensive investigation and study, drawing on domestic and foreign experience, repeated program comparison, and finally selected Dg100-I crane tube for the stereotypes. Figure 1 a for crane shape, Figure 1 b crane work status. After trial processing and preliminary use, we have received good results, reaching a reliable sealing performance, flexible rotation, easy to use and other requirements.