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生活中有些看似琐碎的事物,往往让人感动,并因此产生一些凡俗的思想和复杂的情感。的确,那些景象和故事时常漂进我的脑海,我让心灵的触角伸入到那些景象和故事中去,在感悟生活的过程中,促发对人生意义的思考。乡村谐趣这村子像一座淹没在辽阔原野上的古墓,外表并没有什么特殊的地方,却密藏着许多不朽的故事。说是不朽,因为这些故事世世代代口口相传,流传至今。村上二十来户人家,百把号人口,而且多少年来没有多大变化。别看村子小,乡里人口气却挺大。他们夸耀,这村的始祖是明朝洪武年间从山西洪洞县一个叫老鸹 Some seemingly trivial things in life are often touched, and thus produce some vulgar ideas and complex emotions. Indeed, those scenes and stories often drifted into my mind, I let the telepathy into those scenes and stories, in the process of perception of life, to promote the meaning of life thinking. Harmony in the Village The village resembles an ancient tombs submerged in vast fields, with no special place on the outside but with many immortal stories. That is immortal, because these stories are word of mouth from generation to generation, spread so far. Twenty households in Murakami, hundreds of population, and how many years have not changed much. Do not look small village, the village population is quite big tone. They boast that the ancestor of this village was Hongwu County in Shanxi Province during the Hongwu years, an old man named Huang
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为确保参加“和平使命-2009”中俄联合演习勇士指挥车良好的技术性能,65352部队装备部领导高度重视,专门组织军地专业技术人员对 In order to ensure participation in the
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