清清白白为官 踏踏实实做人

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我今年55岁,先后在农二师塔里木垦区和焉耆垦区的三个农牧团场工作过,历任学校校长、纪委副书记、纪委书记、副政委、党委书记、政委职务,现任农二师二十二团党委书记、政委。我永远忘不了那一时刻:1998年12月22日,师党委决定调我到二十二团工作,消息传开,二十六团的干部群众一批批来到我家,握着我的手,说啥也不让我离开二十六团。他们悄悄组织起来,集体到师部请愿,请求师党委不要调我走。师党委只好派工作组做群众的说服工作。搬家的时候,我准备悄悄离开,谁知许多职工群众结队为我送行。看着那一张张依依惜别的脸,听着那一句句语重心长的话,握着那一双双厚实纯朴的手,我和送别的乡亲一起流泪。这是怎样的一种情感场面啊!这种感情最可贵、最高尚、最纯真。正是这种友爱的感情,给我以力量,给我以精神,它鼓舞着我去为人民群众做贡献,去为人民群众谋利益,去实现一个共产党员真正的人生价值。 I am 55 years old and have worked in the three farms and farms in Tarim reclamation area and Yanqi reclamation area of ​​Nongsan division two times and served successively as school principal, deputy secretary of discipline inspection commission, secretary of discipline inspection commission, deputy political commissar, party secretary and political commissar. Twelve regiment party secretary, political commissar. I will never forget that moment: On December 22, 1998, the division and party committee decided to transfer me to the Twenty-two League work. The news spread. Twenty-six regiments of cadres and masses came to my house in batches and held my hand , Say what will not let me leave Twenty-six regiment. They are quietly organized, petitioned collectively to the division, asked the division party committee not to transfer me away. The division party committee had to send a working group to do mass persuasion work. When moving, I am prepared to quietly leave, who knows a lot of workers and the masses knot for me off. Looked at that one by the face of farewell, listening to that sentence full of gravity, then holding a pair of thick and simple hands, I and the farewell party folks shed tears. This is what kind of emotional scenes ah! This feeling is the most valuable, the most noble, the most pure. It is this kind of affectionate feeling that gives me strength and spirit to me. It inspires me to make contributions to the masses of the people, to seek the interests of the masses of the people and to realize the true life value of a communist.
桥梁桩基施工工艺及注意事项,对预防质量问题所采取的一些处理要点进行探讨。 Bridge pile foundation construction technology and precautions, to prevent quality prob
去年春 ,73岁的老党员李秀生从他的小林场“退休”下来了。李老曾任田阳县雷圩乡雷圩村党支书、主任,1988年卸任后带上民兵苏吉龙、苏福展等五人,承包本村千亩荒坡,走出了一条致富路。
例1 女,14岁。第一胎(同性双胞胎)。5岁开始两上肢皮肤干燥多屑呈灰褐色不易洗脱,冬季尤甚。至10岁时皮屑渐延及四肢、躯干,皮肤科诊断鱼鳞癣。2年前开始失眠、恐惧,常闭门