蝎子中医称为“全蝎”或“全虫”,有息风镇疼、攻毒散结、通络止痛之功效,是治疗口眼歪斜、肺结核、破伤风、顽固性湿疹、皮炎、淋巴结核、肿瘤等病症的首选药材。 一、治高血压、动脉硬化引起的头痛。蝎子20克、钩藤15克、丽参5克,共研末,每日2次,每次服10克。
Traditional Chinese medicine is called “full-bodied” or “full-worm”. It has the effects of eliciting wind and analgesia, attacking drug and breaking down knots, and neutralizing and analgesia. It is used to treat palsy, tuberculosis, tetanus, intractable eczema, dermatitis, and lymphatic tuberculosis. The first choice of medicine for tumors and other diseases. First, to treat headaches caused by hypertension and arteriosclerosis. 20 grams of Chinese wolfberry, 15 grams of Uncaria, and 5 grams of ginseng. The total amount of powder is 10 grams each time.