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税务干部队伍是税收事业发展的根本。2008年4月,国家税务总局局长肖捷在《求是》杂志撰文《服务科学发展促进改善民生》中指出:要重点抓好高层次专家队伍、中层管理干部和基层业务骨干的培训,着力培养一支高素质的专业人才队伍。随着税制改革的不断深化,建立一支高素质、专业化的税务干部队伍是税收事业发展的必然要求。物换星移,时空流转。随着税制的不断改革和完善,如何进一步提高税收征收率、有效降低税收执法风险、更好地保障纳税人合法权益,对税收管理工作提出了更新更高的要求,特别是对直接面对纳税人、独挡一面的基层管理人员提出了更高的素质要求;随着改革开放的不断深入发展,国际贸易交流的日益增多,国际涉税问题越来越多,对于精通国际税收和反避税业务人才的需求越来越大;随着我国经济总量的不断发展壮大,涉税犯罪呈现出多样化、高科技化等特点,亟需一批集税收法律、财会知识、信息技术等高、精、尖知识于一身的税收稽查能手……适应新时代需求,高素质人才的内涵也在与时俱进,悄然发生着变化。十几、二十几年前,一个精通财会知识的珠算高手算得上是高素质税收人才,而在算盘被计算机替代的信息化高度发达的今天,高素质税收人才应当是既精通税法、财会等专业知识,又掌握计算机、企业管理、外语等相关技能,同时又具有独立思考和创新能力的复合型人才。税收事业要发展,人才是第一位的。一方面,我们要着力于建立培养具有专业技术知识的高素质人才的教育培训机制,抓好人才库建设;另一方面,我们要不断完善选人、用人机制,使那些“爱岗敬业,敬业专业”、具有一技之长的优秀人才脱颖而出。本期策划我刊推出了反避税领域专家级人才朱海、稽查能手王长庆、信息化战线上的先锋管捷、基层带队好领导仲继刚、多次查处大案要案的基层女税官马云霄、基层一线的“老黄牛”吴长根等典型人物,他们是新时期专业化税务干部的代表,他们用激情和汗水书写的简单而精彩的篇章正是新时期税务干部“爱岗敬业,敬业专业”的典范,是全国广大税务干部学习的楷模和榜样。 Tax cadre team is the root cause of the development of taxation. In April 2008, State Administration of Taxation Director Xiao Jie pointed out in his article “Seeking for Truth” that “serving the development of science and promoting people’s livelihood” pointed out: It is necessary to focus on the training of high-level team of experts, middle-level management cadres and grass-roots business backbone, and strive to develop a High-quality professional personnel. With the continuous deepening of tax reform, establishing a contingent of highly qualified and specialized cadres of taxation is a necessary requirement for the development of taxation. Things for stars, space-time flow. With the continuous reform and improvement of the tax system, how to further raise the tax collection rate, effectively reduce the risk of tax law enforcement, and better protect the legitimate rights and interests of taxpayers, put forward newer and higher requirements on tax administration, especially for direct tax payment People and one-sided grassroots management put forward higher quality requirements. With the continuous deepening of the reform and opening up and the increasing international trade exchanges, the issue of international taxation is becoming more and more complicated. For those who are proficient in international tax collection and anti-avoidance business The demand for talents is getting bigger and bigger. With the continuous development and expansion of China’s economy, the tax-related crimes are characterized by diversification and high-techization. There is an urgent need for a number of tax law, accounting knowledge, information technology, , Pointed knowledge in a tax auditor ... ... to adapt to the needs of a new era, the connotation of high-quality personnel are also advancing with the times, quietly changing. A few years ago, a few years ago, a master abacus knowledgeable abacus can be regarded as high-quality tax talent, abercrombie and fitch, while the abacus was replaced by computer information technology highly developed today, high-quality tax professionals should be both proficient in tax law, accounting, etc. Professional knowledge, but also master the computer, business management, foreign languages ​​and other related skills, but also has independent thinking and innovation ability of complex talents. To develop tax revenue, talent is the first one. On the one hand, we must focus our efforts on establishing an education and training mechanism for cultivating highly qualified personnel with professional and technical knowledge and do a good job in building a talent pool. On the other hand, we must continue to improve the system of selecting people and employing people so that those who “ Dedicated professional ”, a talent with the talent of talent come to the fore. In the current issue, we plan to launch Zhuhai, an expert on anti-tax avoidance, inspectors Wang Changqing, a pioneer in information technology, a leading grass-roots leader in the fight against Zhong Jigang, and the investigation and prosecution of major female tax officials They are the representatives of the specialized tax cadres in the new era. The simple and splendid chapters they wrote in passion and sweat are exactly what the cadres in the new era do , Dedicated professional "model, is the vast number of tax cadre learning model and role model.
如何灵活运用WTO规则,维护国家及企业利益,是我国政府和企业界在“入世”后的过渡期乃至更远的将来需要认真研究的问题。 符合WTO规则的保护对策 一、发展中国家适用的条款
伊他伐他汀 (itavastatin ,NK 1 0 4 )为HMG CoA还原酶抑制剂 ,是日本研究开发的降血脂新药。体外研究显示 ,在大鼠、兔、豚鼠、狗、猴和人的肝微粒体中 ,NK 1 0 4代谢极少 ,原形为主要排泄形式。
一、亲切的会见 1995年6月,受台湾“中国新诗学会”、台湾“中国文艺学会”等团体之邀,我与太太胡时珍赴台访问三周。在我们访台的尾声中,来了一个高潮。那就是经由著名作家