
来源 :盐业史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bengkuia521
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一、缘起 富荣盐场具有悠久的井盐生产历史,以其连绵不断地生产而著称于世。这在中外手工业行业发展史上是罕见的。东汉章帝时(公元70——88年),崔骃在其《博徒论》中就曾提到“江阳之盐”。晋人常璩在《华阳国志·蜀志》中明确指出:“江阳县……有富世盐井。”魏晋以后富世盐井和大公井成为当时四川极为著名的盐井。至唐宋时期得到了迅猛发展,到清咸同时期,盐、火井总数达四千三百余眼,煎锅二万余口,每年产盐食20~30万吨,除销售川省四十州县外,还远销湘、鄂、滇、黔四省的百余州县,占全省产额的十分之六,为全国销盐量的五分之一。抗战时期,川盐再度畅销湘楚,出现富荣盐场的第二个“黄金时代”。综观富荣盐场的整个发展过程,与其它手工业行业比较,在中国资本主义发展史上,它可以算得上是迈入了“真正工场手工业阶段”较为完整而充分的典型。对近现代富荣盐场盐业家族兴衰发展过程的研究,至今尚未引起学术界的重视,我们虽然做过一些尝试,但尚嫌笼统。鉴于富荣盐场在中国盐业发展史上的社会价值和学术价值的重要意义,我们拟就此问题再作进一步地综合探讨。由于现有文献缺乏以及我们的理论水平不高,我们对自贡盐业资本家的比较研究暂写于此,错漏之处,敬请各位方家批评指正,以殆来日补正续篇。 First, the origin Fu Rong saltern has a long history of well salt production, with its continuous production and world-renowned. This is rare in the history of Chinese and foreign handicraft industry. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, when Emperor Zhangdi (AD 70-88), Cui Hao referred to “salt of the Jiang Yang” in his Bodo Theory. In the “Huayang Guoshi Shushi”, the Jin people often pointed out clearly: “Jiang Yangxian ... has the Fuyan salt well.” After the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the well-known Salt Wells in Sichuan were well-known as the Salt Wells and Dagongjing in Sichuan. To the Tang and Song Dynasties has been the rapid development of the same period to the salty salt, salt, fire a total of more than 4300 eye, frying pan more than 20,000 mouth, annual salt production 200,000 to 300,000 tons, in addition to selling Sichuan Province four Ten counties, but also exported to Hunan, Hubei, Yunnan and Guizhou provinces and hundreds of hundred prefectures, accounting for six tenths of the province’s output, the national sales of salt one-fifth. During the war of resistance against Japan, Sichuan salt once again sold well in Xiangchu and the second “golden age” of Fu Rong saltworks appeared. Looking at the entire development process of Fu Rong saltworks, compared with other handicraft industries, it can be considered as a more complete and adequate model of “real workshop handicraft industry” in the history of the development of Chinese capitalism. The research on the process of the rise and fall of salt family in Fu-Rong Saltern in modern times has not drawn the attention of academics yet. Although we did some attempts, it is still too general. In view of the importance of Fu Rong saltworks in the social and academic values ​​in the development of China’s salt industry, we intend to further discuss this issue further. Due to the lack of existing literatures and the low level of our theory, we comparatively wrote a comparative study of Zigong Salt Capitalists here and wrongly, and we sincerely welcome you to criticize and correct them.
广西百色地区因冬季气温较高 (1月均温比南宁高约 2℃ )、低温阴雨天气较少、较干旱 (年降雨量比南宁少约 185 7mm)而比广西其他地区更适合种植果。自广西大学农学院 (原广
  In this paper,the seasonal and interannual variations of the sea level in south china sea is analyzed based on the satellite altimeter data from 1993 to 201
1.这是无法言说的  你在岸上的时候 鱼在水里  你在水里的时候 树在岸上  你不能同时拉近和所有事物的距离  你不能顺流而下找到河水的渊源  你不能向漆黑的长夜索取阳光的温暖  你不能一辈子站在一个季节 冬天或者夏天  这些都是无法言说的 正如  太阳落山之后仍被叫做太阳  青春流逝之后仍是可爱的青春  而那些誓言 死去之后被称作欺骗  也正如 亿万年后  荒漠或许变成了绿洲  高山或许沉降成大