东阿县人武部向作风不实者叫停 兵役登记岂能简单地抄抄派出所的户口册子

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6月3日,山东省东阿县人武部召开专武干部例会,对兵役登记工作进行专题部署。6月10日,该县胡庄镇武装部便把兵役登记的有关资料上报到县人武部,在对他们给予充分肯定的同时,县人武部部长任维民、政委于凤贵带领军事、政工科的同志趋车前往该镇实地检查,结果发现40%的预征对象与实际情况不符。原来该镇武装部长是按派出所的户口册子,对适龄青年进行了“登记”,而没有设立兵役登记站,按要求和程序进行逐一登记。发现这一情况后,任部长、于政委陷入了沉思:这样怎么能行!这是工作不落实、作风不扎实的具体表现,必须下大力予以根除,真正在基层大兴求真务实之风。 On June 3, the Dongwu County Department of Armed Forces of Shandong Province held a regular meeting of specialized military cadres to conduct special deployment of military service registration. On June 10, the Armed Forces of Huzhuang Town, a county in this county, reported the information on the registration of military service to the armed forces of the county people’s army. While fully affirming them, Ren Weimin, minister of Armed Police at the county level, Yu Fenggui, commissar of the Political Commissar, led the military affairs, Comrades came to the town on-site inspection and found that 40% of the pre-requisitioned objects did not match with the actual situation. The original armed forces in the town police station is based on the household registration booklet, age-appropriate youth “registration”, but no military registration station set up, according to the requirements and procedures for registration one by one. After discovering this situation, any minister or political commissar has fallen asleep: How can this be done? This is a concrete manifestation of a lack of implementation and a firm working style. We must vigorously eradicate it and vigorously promote the style of seeking truth and being pragmatic at the grassroots level.
1~8月节能效果继续显现,煤炭耗用量保持较高增长。1~8月份,全国节能减排工作继续推进,节能效果继续显现。全国供电煤耗率为347 g/(kW·h),比2007年同期下降7 g/(kW·h)。全国
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