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1950年从沈阳引进黑皮油松(Pinus tabulaeformis Var.mukdensis)种子经播种后,育苗造林。初期细致经营管理,采取培土防寒措施,顺利渡过了幼年期。人工林9年时个别植株开始开花结实,现阶段树干挺拔,树冠枝叶茂密,球果累累。 人工林平均高8.03m,胸径13cm,最粗者26cm。从解析木材料来看。高生长速生期10—16年,年均值0.5m,粗生长速生期结束滞后两年即10—18年,年均值0.72cm,材积生长量,连年与平均两曲线在林龄34年时仍未相交,表明材积生长尚未达到数量成熟。 5月下旬—6月上旬开花,翌年9月下旬—10月上旬种实成熟。种子饱满,发芽率高—86.8%,千粒重42g,一年生播种苗高7.7cn,地径0.25cm。11年生黑皮油松子代平均高3.15n,地径6.4cm,个别植株已开始结实。 引种黑皮油松子代抗寒力增加,造林后第二年末培土防寒,幼树上有部分针卧发黄,但植株正常抽新梢、生长,将能缩短造林培土防寒的年限,大大降低造林成本。 In 1950, the seeds of Pinus tabulaeformis Var. Mukdensis introduced from Shenyang were sowed and planted. Early careful management, take measures to prevent soil cold, smooth through the juvenile period. Plantation 9 years when individual plants began to flowering and strong trunk at this stage tall and straight, dense branches and crowns, cones congested. Plantation average 8.03m high, diameter 13cm, the most rough 26cm. From the analysis of wood materials point of view. High growth rate of 10-16 years, with an average annual 0.5m, the rapid growth period of two years after the end of rapid growth of 10-18 years, an average of 0.72cm, volume growth, annual and average two curves in the age of 34 years have not yet Intersecting, indicating volume growth has not yet reached the number of mature. In late May - early June flowering, the following year in late September - early October mature. Seeds full, high germination rate -86.8%, grain weight 42g, annual seedling height 7.7cn, diameter 0.25cm. 11-year-old black pine average generation high 3.15n, diameter 6.4cm, some plants have begun to grow strong. The introduction of black pine oil on behalf of the increased cold hardiness, the second year after the planting soil cold, saplings of some of the needle lying yellow, but the normal plant shoots new growth, will shorten the planting and planting of cold-resistant years, greatly reducing afforestation cost.
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