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为了中华民族的兴旺发达,应当使我们的儿童不仅体格健壮,而且聪明伶俐。因此,应加强小儿保健工作,定期系统检查小儿(特别是一岁以内婴儿)体格和神经发育情况,以便及早查出中枢神经系统畸形、发育缺陷、发育延迟,并监测智能发育。新生儿、婴儿神经系统检查,有很多特殊之处,如检查的时间,最好选择在醒觉状态,而不要在饥饿、吃奶时或刚吃完奶时进行。下面介绍有关新生儿、婴儿神经系统检查的方法及其临床意义。一、意识状态 For the prosperity of the Chinese nation, we should make our children not only physically fit but also clever and clever. Therefore, we should strengthen the work of pediatric health care, regularly and systematically check the physical and neurological development of infants (especially those within one year of age) so as to detect the central nervous system malformations, developmental defects, development delay and monitor the intelligent development as early as possible. Neonatal, infant neurological examination, there are many special features, such as the time of the examination, the best choice in the state of awoke, not in hunger, feeding or just finished eating milk. The following describes the neonatal and infant neurological examination methods and their clinical significance. First, the state of consciousness
To study the relationship between changes of microbial ATP in four kinds of murine tis-sues and the postmortem interval (PMI), healthy SD rats were sacrificed a
毛泽东《~卜火军事贩9{Ij》。jir球……………………………………………傅锻鹰(1—1弭论中西体育之比较…医学、哲学、疑学的謦异………………………”…………·段棒梅 刘定
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The effects of high-intensity pulsed electromagnetic stimulation (HIPEMS) on proliferation and differentiation of neonatal rat neural stem cells in vitro were i
A series of theoretical approaches,including conventional FF03 and FF03-based polarization model,as well as the generalized energy-based fragmentation(GEBF) qua