
来源 :中国社区医师 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lg97060329
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发展城市社区卫生服务是中国卫生体制改革的重要内容。城市卫生服务体系将分为综合医院和社区卫生服务机构两个层次,社区卫生服务机构将承担大量的医疗卫生服务工作。我国目前的全科医师基本都来自以往一、二级医院的临床医生,一个好的专科医生要很好地掌握本学科的知识技能需要几年、十几年的时间,而一个全科医生要掌握了解的是多学科的知识技能,如何将他们迅速培养成能满足目前社区居民需求的全科医师是当前一个十分严峻的问题。他们能否掌握社区最常见疾病的诊治处理,关系到社区居民能否参与社区卫生服务,也是社区卫生服务生存发展的关键。 The development of urban community health services is an important part of China’s health system reform. The urban health service system will be divided into two levels: general hospitals and community health service agencies. Community health service agencies will undertake a large number of medical and health services. China’s current general practitioners are basically from the clinicians of the previous primary and secondary hospitals. A good specialist must master the subject’s knowledge and skills in a matter of years and more than 10 years, and a general practitioner should Mastering the knowledge is multidisciplinary knowledge and skills. How to quickly develop them into general practitioners who can meet the needs of the current community residents is a very serious issue. Whether they can grasp the diagnosis and treatment of the most common diseases in the community and whether they can participate in community health services are the key to the survival and development of community health services.
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不少男人害怕在情人节或生日收到情人送的领带,担心会被活活套牢。其实打开男人的衣橱,领带的哪种花色最多,恰恰正是其内心活动的折射。透过他的领带,可以看出他的花心程度!  所谓领带情,男人心。想用领带套住男人的女人,请检验一下你所爱的男人,在他所拥有的领带里,哪种花色最多呢?    A.点状领带    B.变形虫式或花型领带    C.线状领带   D.卡通图案的领带
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。在改革大潮中腾飞的洛阳市中心医院@路书斋 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to view
1 开发利用的理论原理新生婴儿、新生仔畜(如猪仔、羔羊、犊牛等)必须摄食母亲第一次(头啖奶)和前几次分泌的乳汁才可能健康发育,这早已被牧人所知。这是因为,刚出生的婴儿
目的 分析人类腺病毒 (HAdV)六邻体保守区氨基酸序列 ,合成保守区多肽并制备抗多肽抗体 ,以确定型间共同的特异性表位。方法 用ClustalX、Antheprot等软件 ,对HAdV六邻体进