生态 有机 是食品安全的发展方向

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食品安全是企业发展的重点,有机食品是食品安全的保障。有机食品在世界各地叫法不同,有的叫生活产品,有的叫生态产品.无公害产品、绿色食品.在对有机食品的研究过程中,我个人认为叫生态产品会更贴切一些.我们从欧洲国家有机农业的发展可以看出,世界各地有机农业的种植面积增长迅速,发展潜力巨大。2012年世界有机农业种植面积达到3700万公顷。德国联邦有机食品产业协会提供的数据证实,消费者对有机食品的需求一直在增长,201 3年德国有机食品零售市场营业额达到75.5亿欧元,比上一年增长7,2%。德国有机农业种植面积100多万公顷,增长1%。有机食品消费世界占有率最高的国家是美国,比较高的是德国、瑞士、葡萄牙等欧洲国家.意大利有机产品的种植面积占总种植面积的8.7%,排在世界首位(中国为0.3%)。有机食品消费 Food safety is the focus of enterprise development, organic food is the guarantee of food safety. Organic food is called different from all over the world, some are called life products, some are called ecological products, and pollution-free products and green foods. In the process of organic food research, I personally think that eco-products will be more appropriate. The development of organic agriculture in European countries shows that the area planted with organic agriculture in the world has been growing rapidly and has great potential for development. In 2012, the world’s organic farming area reached 37 million hectares. Data provided by the German Federal Organic Food Industry Association confirm that consumer demand for organic food has been on the rise with a turnover of 7.55 billion euros in Germany’s organic food retail market in 201 3, an increase of 7,2% over the previous year. Germany’s organic farming area of ​​more than 100 million hectares, an increase of 1%. The country with the highest share of organic food consumption in the United States is the United States, with Germany, Switzerland, Portugal and other European countries having the highest share of the total. The area planted with organic products in Italy is 8.7% of the total planted area, ranking first in the world (0.3% in China). Organic food consumption
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