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武汉吕中胜钓具有限公司武汉吕中胜钓具有限公司由2002年光威钓王杯全国钓王得主、国家一级钓鱼大师吕中胜于2008年创办。该公司依靠“中胜”品牌的坚实基础,以湖北中胜鱼饵有限公司、中胜垂钓基地为依托,不断发展壮大。公司旗下拥有“中胜”牌鱼饵,“药神”药酒,“风火轮”“闪电手”“霹雳火”等自主品牌钓竿、浮漂产品,以及小配件、竿包护包、鱼护、钓鱼服装、钓钩等多种钓具产品。2012年武汉吕中胜钓具有限公司又隆重推出“帅”“将”“相”系列鱼饵、浮漂产品及“中胜极”“中胜鲤”“金藤”“潼鲋”等十多款四十多个规格钓竿产品。 Wuhan Lvzhong Sheng Fishing Tackle Co., Ltd. Wuhan Lvzhong Sheng Fishing Tackle Co., Ltd. was founded in 2002 by Wang Wei, winner of the Wang Diao National Fishing League and a fishing master at the national level. The company relies on the solid foundation of “ZhongSheng” brand and relies on Hubei ZhongSheng Fishing Bait Co., Ltd. and ZhongSheng Fishing Base to continuously develop and grow. The company owns its own brand of fishing rod, floating products, and gadgets such as “Zhongsheng” brand bait, “Herbal Medicine”, “Hot Wheels”, “Lightning Hand”, “Thunderbolt Fire” , Pole bag care package, fish care, fishing clothing, fishing hooks and other fishing tackle products. In 2012, Lvzhong Sheng Fishing Tackle Co., Ltd. of Wuhan introduced a series of fishing bait, floating products and “winning” carp “” “golden rattan ”Tung Tau " and so on more than 40 models of rod products.
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钻削加工图示叉类零件法 兰上四孔,因孔对法兰盘止口有位移度要求,叉孔壁厚不小于5mm,故设计钻模时必须依法兰盘止口和叉孔外圆定位,给装夹定位带来不便。为此,我们在设计夹
80年代后期,抚顺钢厂承担了为某工程的大型汽轮机叶片用TC4钛合金方棒研究课题,要确保按时完成课题要求,考虑到在蒸汽锤上锻造的弱点,进而采用了锻压技术. 合金锭用1t真空白
目的:研究一株拟盘多毛孢菌(Pestalotiopsis sp.)的化学成分。方法:采用硅胶(silica gel,Rp-18 silica gel)和凝胶(Sephadex LH-20)柱层析的方法分离和纯化化合物,其结构由核
“chinked-out”第二章《盖世英雄》,是王力宏实践“chinked-out”乐风的最新力作。本张专辑王力宏 “Chinked-out ” The second chapter “Heroes of the world”, is th