
来源 :水土保持研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kupanda09
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土壤是人类社会及一切社会活动的基本条件,而土壤盐渍化是土壤退化和土壤荒漠化的重要类型之一,是当今干旱区发展中面临的重要问题之一,也是影响干旱半干旱区农业生产的第一障碍性问题。土壤盐渍化时空动态变化研究是发展土壤监测研究及估算方法的重要基础工作。因此盐渍化治理工作的好坏也成了人们关注的问题。文章以新疆塔里木盆地北缘渭干河-库车河三角洲绿洲为研究区,采用1989年9月25日及2001年8月1日的遥感影像,通过计算盐分指数,得到盐分指数图像,进一步将盐分指数图像参与其它波段进行分类,通过统计分析,研究了渭干河-库车河三角洲盐渍地动态变化状况和变化趋势,并对变化影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:非盐渍地有所减少,轻、微盐渍地有所扩大,年均扩大率3.37%,中度盐渍地和重度盐渍地都相应减少,而中度盐渍地减少较多,年均减少率分别为1.96%和1.09%;盐渍地时空变化是同时受自然和人文因素影响的复杂过程,其中人为因素的影响最大。虽然盐渍化治理工作取得了一定的成就,但干旱区盐渍化防治工作需要进一步努力和加强。 Soil is one of the basic conditions for human society and all social activities. Soil salinization is one of the important types of soil degradation and soil desertification. It is one of the important problems in the development of arid areas today. It is also one of the major problems affecting the agricultural production in arid and semi-arid regions The first obstacle problem. The research on the spatio-temporal changes of soil salinization is an important foundation for the development of soil monitoring research and estimation methods. Therefore, salinization work has become a matter of concern. Taking the Weigan River and Kuqa River delta oasis in northern margin of Tarim Basin as the study area, the paper takes the remote sensing image of September 25, 1989 and August 1, 2001 as reference to calculate the salt index and obtain the salt index image. The salt index images are involved in other bands for classification. Through statistical analysis, the dynamic changes of saline land in Weigan-Kuqa River Delta are studied, and the influencing factors are analyzed. The results showed that the number of non-salted land decreased, light and slightly salted land increased, with an average annual expansion rate of 3.37%, moderately salted land and heavily salted land reduced correspondingly, while moderate salted land decreased more And the average annual reduction rates were 1.96% and 1.09% respectively. The temporal and spatial changes of salinized soil were the complicated processes influenced by both natural and human factors. Among them, anthropogenic factors had the greatest impact. Although some achievements have been made in salinization treatment, salinization prevention and control work in arid areas needs further efforts and intensification.
准噶尔无叶豆(Eremosparton songoricum(Litv.)Vass.)是中亚荒漠特有种,中国的单属种植物类群,稀有种,仅片段化分布在古尔班通古特沙漠风蚀坡地及流动-半流动沙丘上。按照不
摘 要:创业导向描述了企业的创业行为与特征,体现在企业的日常管理过程和企业文化中。创业导向与战略管理和决策过程密切相关,其研究焦点是创业过程,是创业概念的过程化,与现实中企业的具体运作相关,是一种动态过程。创业导向的影响因素包括组织因素和环境因素等。   关键词:创业导向;公司创业;创业机会;影响因素  一、创业导向的内涵  创业导向这一概念,最早起源于战略选择理论(Child,1972)。早期