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氯喹啉、伯氨喹啉、乙氨嘧啶是目前比较好的三种抗疟药,已证明对裂殖体、配子体、组织型等各期疟原虫,各有一定的作用。为充分发挥各种抗疟药的效能,提高治疗效果,我们于1964年疟疾流行季节进行了三药合用对现症病人的试用。今将初步观察结果报告如下,以供同道参考。材料和方法 1.治疗对象:包括农村社员和中等学校学生,其中男46例,女30例;15岁以下者25例,16岁以上者51例。凡症状典型,血检原虫阳性,发作不超过两次,无合并症,发病后未服用其他抗疟药,流行季节内的新发患者均为试治对象。治疗前详细询问病史、查血,第一 Chloroquinoline, primaquine quinoline, pyrimidine ammonia is currently the better of the three antimalarial drugs, schizonts has been shown to schizonts, gametocytes, tissues and other stages of Plasmodium, each have a role. In order to give full play to the effectiveness of various anti-malarial drugs and improve the treatment effect, we conducted a pilot trial of the three drugs in the 1964 malaria season. The preliminary findings of the present report are as follows for reference. Materials and methods 1. Treatment objects: including rural members and secondary school students, of which 46 were males and 30 females; 25 under the age of 15, 51 patients over the age of 16. Where the symptoms are typical, positive blood test protozoa, episodes of no more than twice, no complications, not taking other anti-malarial drugs after the onset of the epidemic season of new patients are treated subjects. Detailed history before treatment, check blood, first
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