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作为圣象管理学院必须构建一个适应地板行业特点的人才培训机制,并且培养具有圣象企业文化特征,能够为企业发展贡献自己力量的圣象人才作为地板行业而言,地板产品属于耐用消费品,与老百姓的生活息息相关,同时,由于其产品的特点,圣象集团的销售网络遍布全国各地。目前,圣象集团员工总数已经超过20000人。生产型和销售型企业遍布全国,在这样一个庞大的系统面前,如果采取传统的培训模式,势必事倍功半。所以,必须积极探索一条能够适应地板行业特点,满足企业人才需求的企业大学运作模式。 As a holy image management institute, it is necessary to construct a talent training mechanism that adapts to the characteristics of the flooring industry and cultivate a saintlike talent that has the characteristics of a corporate culture and contributes to the development of the enterprise. As a flooring industry, flooring products are durable consumer goods, People’s lives are closely related, at the same time, because of the characteristics of their products, St. Elephant Group’s sales network throughout the country. Currently, the total number of employees Elephant has more than 20,000 people. Production and sales-oriented enterprises all over the country, in such a huge system before, if you take the traditional mode of training, is bound to be more effective. Therefore, we must actively explore a business model that can adapt to the characteristics of the flooring industry, to meet the needs of business professionals.
粉雕玉琢的宝贝人见人爱,满心欢喜之余总免不了亲亲抱抱。殊不知,这亲密接触的同时,也让病菌钻了空子。 Sculptures of pink carved cute people, full of joy, I can not h
对于主人来说,这是假日休闲及招待亲友的私人会馆;对于设计师来说,这是为一对初筑爱巢的情侣打造的浪漫度假屋。于是,慢调与自然成为空间的主题。 For the owner, this is a
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女人爱自己,从来不嫌多。不是说女人天生就是为美而生的吗?当然不只face,还有整个body的每一寸肌肤,每一个细节,都要向着更完美进军!女人30身体症候群: 1.腿部的肌肤会有干涩