
来源 :国外医学.口腔医学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lideqiang163com
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为获得简单快捷的义齿基托聚合过程,已经出现了几种快速热凝基托塑料和微波聚合塑料的方法,其中微波处理法是最快的热聚处理方法。丙烯酸塑料经微波处理不但有足够的物理性能,而且在快速老化条件下,颜色很稳定。本研究目的是评估7种传统基托塑料和一种微波热聚基托材料经微波聚合后颜色的稳定性。作者将样品分别经过300h、600h及900h的快速老化处理(每300h老化处理相当于在口内环境下戴牙1年),然后用色差计测试样品颜色稳定性,采用多元回归法统计分析每个样品组平均色度变化,确定样品色度随时间的变化情况。结果表明所有丙烯酸塑料均有不同程度的颜色变化,但Lucitone Hy-pro的颜色变化视觉观察不明显。此研究结果说明热聚义齿基托材料和微波聚合Acron GC丙烯酸塑料经微波方法固化在快速老化试验后均发生颜色变化。Hy-pro和Trutone材料色度改变最小,Hy-pro材料最稳定。 In order to obtain a simple and quick denture base polymerization process, several methods of rapidly thermosetting base plastic and microwave polymerized plastics have emerged, of which the microwave processing method is the fastest thermal polycondensation method. Acrylic plastic microwave treatment not only has sufficient physical properties, but also in the fast aging conditions, the color is very stable. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the color stability of seven traditional Ketomax® plastics and one of the microwave-based heat-polymerized base stocks after microwave polymerization. The samples were subjected to rapid aging at 300h, 600h and 900h (aging for every 300h is equivalent to 1 year in the oral environment), and then the color stability of the samples was tested with a color difference meter. Each sample was statistically analyzed by multiple regression Group average color change, to determine the sample color changes with time. The results showed that all acrylic plastics have varying degrees of color change, but the color change Lucitone Hy-pro visual observation is not obvious. The results of this study show that the thermal polydenture base material and the microwave polymerization of the Acron GC plastic cured by microwave methods all undergo a color change after the fast aging test. Hy-pro and Trutone materials have the smallest change in chroma and Hy-pro materials are the most stable.
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