
来源 :中国残疾人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:falinglord
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2002年,辽宁省残疾人李峥被国家司法部授予全国基层司法工作最高奖“全国模范人民调解员”荣誉称号,他是全国惟一一名获此荣誉的残疾人。李峥今年45岁,现为阜新市福华责任有限公司总经理、阜新市海洲区法律援助中心残疾人联络部主任。李峥幼时因患小儿麻痹,致使双下肢残疾,只能靠轮椅代步。因行动不便,幼年的李峥受尽了白眼和歧视,整日拄着个小板凳在社会上混,打起架来更是不要命。在阜新市他便有了一个“拼命三郎”的绰号。在 In 2002, Li Zheng, a disabled person in Liaoning Province, was awarded the highest award of “National Model People’s Mediator” by the National Ministry of Justice for his honorable title of National Model People’s Mediator. He is the only disabled person in the country who has won this honor. Li Zheng, 45, is now the general manager of Fuhua Fuhua Responsible Co., Ltd. and the director of disability contact department of Haixu District Legal Aid Center in Fuxin City. Li Zheng childhood infantile paralysis, resulting in disability of both lower extremities, only by wheelchair. Due to mobility problems, young Li Zheng suffered plain sight and discrimination, leaning on a small bench all day in the community mix, playing frame is even less fatal. In Fuxin he had a “hard Sabrina” nickname. in
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