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灯塔,是海上来往船只的指明灯,没有灯塔的港口是一个死港。截至今年,中国沿海的灯塔、灯桩共5000余座,东海海区有2700余座。东海洛迦山灯塔,一条水泥路从山上直通码头,小小的码头上,站着两个和尚,一黄一灰,长衣猎猎。随行的主任乐康儿说:“这个岛上主人只有两种:灯塔工与和尚;人家也只有两户:灯塔与寺院。”灯塔上的工作简单、单调——早上五点钟起床,升旗,关灯,打扫,保养机组,清洁灯塔,吃饭,日落,开灯,降旗——寂寞疯长。灯塔工也素有“海和尚”之称。几乎每个灯塔上都养有狗,无人为伴,狗就是朋友。可是因为岛上生活单调寂寞,连狗都有得 The lighthouse, the light of the vessel coming and going at sea, the port without the lighthouse is a dead port. As of this year, China’s coastal lighthouses, lampposts a total of more than 5,000 seats, more than 2,700 seats in the East China Sea. East China Sea Luojia Hill Lighthouse, a concrete road from the mountain through the pier, a small pier, standing with two monks, a yellow-gray, gown hunt. Accompanied by the director Lekang said: “There are only two kinds of owners on this island: lighthouse workers and monks; people only two: lighthouses and monasteries.” Lighthouse work simple, monotonous - get up at five o’clock in the morning, Raise the flag, turn off the lights, clean, maintain the unit, clean the lighthouse, eat, sunset, turn on the lights, drop the flag - lonesome. Lighthouse workers are also known as “sea monk ” said. Almost every lighthouse has a dog, unmanned, dogs are friends. But because of the monotonous life on the island, even dogs have it
Deconfinement phase transition is studied in the FL model at finite temperature and chemical potential. At MFT approximation, phase transition can only be first
杨塔乡位于甘肃省永靖县西部,总面积89平方公里,共辖7个村,58个社。有1029户,4524人。平均海拔2300米。信息畅通,交通便利。这里有与敦煌莫高窟相媲美的 Yangta Township is
推荐如下地方,地方不大,却有山有水,最难得的是那一份闲情逸致,悠然自得,与自行车的气质再吻合不过。如果你有机会去那里,就别错过骑行乐趣。 Recommend the following plac
《图书馆学引论》(金恩晖主编,学苑出版社,1989年版)是一本解剖和探讨图书馆学理论的专著,它的鲜明特色反映于全篇。 1.论点高明,论域宽广。作者站在历史、现在和将来的不同
我国企业会计监管乏力既有政府监督不力的原因,也有企业内部管理方面的原因,要使我国的企业会计监管出现改观,就必须在这两方面下功夫。 The weak accounting supervision i