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我国广告产业准入制度的演进轨迹蒙昧阶段(1979~1982年)萌芽阶段(1982~1987年)探索阶段(1987~1994年)发展阶段(1995~现在) 我国广告产业准入制度对广告产业发展的促进作用蒙昧阶段萌芽阶段探索阶段发展阶段无准入限制,广告产业自由发展设定门槛,初步规范广告市场门槛降低,促进广告市场发育门户开放,壮大本土广告业低准入制度对我国广告产业发展的不利影响在资金方面的准入门槛过低,导致我国本土广告公司高度分散、高度弱小的现状与“三密集”产业不相符合的知识、人才低准入标准,影响广告产业的健康发展低准入制度带来广告市场低层次和低水平竞争,严重阻碍广告产业升级完善我国广告产业准入制度是促进广告产业健康发展的保证必须建立健全我国广告产业准入制度提高准入门槛,有助于我国广告产业升级提高准入门槛,有助于促进我国广告产业民族品牌的形成,维护我国经济发展,确保我国媒介安全 China’s advertising industry admittance system’s evolutionary trajectory ignorance stage (1979-1982) embryonic stage (1982-1987) exploration stage (1987-1994) development stage (1995-now) China’s advertising industry access system to the advertising industry development The promotion function of the budding stage has no access restriction during the development phase of the exploration stage, sets a threshold for the free development of the advertising industry, initially regulates the threshold of the advertising market, promotes the opening of the advertising market, and expands the low admittance system of the local advertising industry to the advertising industry in China. The adverse impact of development on capital entry thresholds has been too low, resulting in a highly dispersed and highly weak local advertising company in China, which is inconsistent with the “three-intensity” industry and low standards of access to knowledge and talent, affecting the advertising industry. The low-level and low-level competition in the ad market for healthy development leads to serious impediments to the upgrading of the advertising industry. The improvement of the advertising industry admittance system in China is a guarantee for the healthy development of the advertising industry. It is necessary to establish and improve the access system of the advertising industry in China to improve the access threshold. Help China’s advertising industry to upgrade and improve access threshold, help promote China’s advertising production Forming a national brand, maintaining China’s economic development, to ensure the safety of media
摘 要:广告创意的表现手法有很多,不同的广告采取不同的创意手法,获得的效果也就有着很大的差异性。在具体的应用中,我们将广告的创意表现形态细分为五种不同的类别。  关键词:差异性 广告创意 表现形态    一、晓之以理——示证形态    广告创意的示证形态,主要是通过示范与证实的形式,传达产品或服务的客观实际,带有情报、资讯的性质,摆事实,讲道理,晓之以理,使受众经过认知、判断、推理的逻辑思维的过程
是粮仓、是酒器、是斗拱、是王冠,还是巨大的板凳?2010年上海世博会中国馆——东方之冠,终于向公众揭开神秘面纱。 Is it a granary, a wine ware, a bracket, a crown, or
2006年12月9日,德国印刷油墨专家Manfred Heisters(赫斯特)先生应邀来浙江新东方油墨集团有限公司访问讲学。Heisters先生从1957年参加工作,从一名普通的化学实验室工人,发展
产品简介:    宠物给人们的生活增添了更多的乐趣,可是忙碌的上班族、生意人等因上班出差无法正常照顾这些小宝贝的吃喝问题,有的人只好舍弃与宠物为伴的想法。宠物自动喂食器的问世解决的这样的难题,它由自动干食喂食器和储水器智能供水装置组成,适合小狗、小猫及其他小宠物,为您提供方便。自动供给系统让你任意定制日常的喂食时间,主人不在时,一次喂食,可自动供给时间长达7-10天。不须电源,经济节约;环保材料,
随着中国经济的进一步增长和新富有人群数量的增加,随之而来的安全、保密等问题也运营而生,但好在泰科来了。 With the further growth of China’s economy and the increa