
来源 :中国实用儿科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boypoe
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目的探讨个体特应性的发生、发展过程及对哮喘发病的影响。方法调查410例哮喘儿童的螨皮试情况,并对三个哮喘家系进行常见过敏原皮试和总IgE(TIgE)测定,并对该性状与D11S533作遗传连锁分析。结果哮喘儿童的螨皮试阳性率及阳性反应程度随年龄增长而增强,至学龄前期渐趋稳定。三个家系39人中17例过敏原皮试阳性,15名哮喘者中11例阳性(733%),过敏原种类上下各代不同,过敏原皮试与D11S533之间无连锁。结论人类存在有控制特异性IgE基因,呈常染色体显性遗传,其遗传位点与TIgE不同。个体特应性受遗传影响,其对外界抗原起反应的能力随个体发育不断成熟,至学龄前期渐趋稳定。早期反复的呼吸道感染,犹如佐剂促进了特应性发展。对有特应性家族史的个体,在早期应避免接触过敏原,尽可能减少呼吸道感染,以减少哮喘发病。 Objective To explore the occurrence and development of individual atopy and its impact on the pathogenesis of asthma. Methods The mite skin tests of 410 asthmatic children were investigated. Common allergen skin tests and total IgE (TIgE) assays were performed on the three asthma pedigrees. A genetic linkage analysis was conducted between the trait and D11S533. Results The positive rate and the positive rate of mite test in asthmatic children increased with age and gradually stabilized to the pre-school age. Of the 39 pedigrees in the three families, 17 were allergen skin positive and 11 of 15 asthmatics were positive (73.3%). Allergens were different from top to bottom in different generations. There was no linkage between allergen skin test and D11S533. Conclusion There is a control-specific IgE gene in human being, which is autosomal dominant with a genetic locus different from that of TIgE. Individual atopy is genetically influenced, and its ability to respond to external antigens continues to mature as individuals develop until they stabilize in pre-school age. Early and repeated respiratory infections, like adjuvants, promote atopic development. Individuals with an atopic family history should avoid exposure to allergens early and minimize respiratory infections to reduce the incidence of asthma.
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通过对多层砖房的普查和抽样调查取得的原始资料,用多层砖房震害预测方法和软件进行易损性分析,给出重要房屋单体震害预测结果和群体房屋的易损性矩阵. Based on the original