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  With a total of 181 members, this Indian family residing at Baktawng Village in India's north-east state of Mizoram, is probably the largest in the world. 67-year-old Ziona, who heads the family, lives in a four-storeyed purple mansion with his 39 wives, 94 children and 14 daughter-in-laws and over 40 grandchildren.
  印度一家庭祖孙三代181人 堪称“全球最大家庭”————印度东北部米佐拉姆邦农村生活着印度最大的家庭,这户人家共有181名成员,所有人生活在同一栋四层建筑里。67岁的齐奥纳共有39位妻子、94名儿女、14个儿媳妇和超过40个孙子、孙女。
  Is polygamy “paradise” or “hell”? Through thousands of couples’ lives, the reporter can feel the enthusiasm of its supporters as well as the helplessness of its opponents. In Cultural Anthropology, people refer to the custom of one man marrying more than one wife as “polygamy”.
  Polygamy has been abolished gradually as human civilization develops, but as an old marriage system, it still exists in some countries with religious traditions and has not been treated as a taboo. It is mainly in Islamic countries and regions like western Asian and Africa, such as Libya, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Ethiopia. In addition, in some countries where “monogamy” is clearly stated in the law, there are still phenomena of polygamy, such Indonesia, US, and Thailand, especially in Islamic groups. It’s also worth mentioning that although the US is a country of monogamy, but polygamy still exists in some religions, for example the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
  Ziona Chana is an outstanding representative of polygamy. He is over 70, and he has 39 wives and over 90 children. Ziona Chana is a pious religious adherent and the sect he belongs to allows unlimited times of marriage. Ziona said, “I think I’m very lucky to have 39 wives and become the head of the largest family in the world.”
  “Polygamy is not what you wish or what he wishes but Allah said in the Quran”. Badrul Amin is a religious guru in Malaysia with two Doctor Degrees. He has two wives. In the interview, he told the reporter he is very happy. His two wives get along very well and make his life very pleasant.
  Monogamy is broadly recognized in the world and accepted by many governments and national leaders, but there are still people with different opinions. President of South Africa Jacob Zuma is an incumbent president who firstly pursues monogamy in history. In April, 2012 when Jacob Zuma welcomed his 79th birthday, he declared to the world that he was about to marry his sixth wife. He once said in a TV interview, “many politicians have mistresses and illegitimate children, but they just hidden the fact from the public and pretended to support the monogamy. I like it to be more public, and I would like take the responsibilities more than those western politicians who have many mistresses. I love my wives and I’m proud of my children.”   齐奥纳·查纳是“一夫多妻”制的“杰出代表”,他先后共娶了39名妻子,并拥有90多名子女。耄耋之年的齐奥纳·查纳是个宗教的忠实拥护者,他所在的教派允许教徒无限次的娶妻。齐奥纳说,“我认为我自己非常幸运拥有39个妻子,成为世界上最大家庭的一家之主。”
  As one of the few countries of polygamy, Cameroon provides the men with a “lucky” life. Walking on the streets of Cameroon, foreign young women may be asked by the local men: “Would you like to be my next wife?” In the polygamist family of Cameroon, every wife has their own residence and every husband has their own house. Each wife shall live in the husband’s house according to the “scheduling table”. Of course, the wives who are young and beautiful and win the husbands’ hearts can spend more time with the husbands.
  Another man who is as “happy” as Cameroonian is 48-year-old British merchant for secondhand furniture and former Rabbi of Judaism Philip Sharp who has married 7 “wives” during 10 years. In daily life, his wives would prepare meals and arrange daily matters for their husband according to the “duty list”. Every time when one of his wives wants to live with him, she would text him to ask. Philip told the reporter that: “Every wife of mine would live in my room for one or two weeks, and then I will tell her that she should go back to her own bedroom.”
  In addition, it’s known that polygamy is also legitimate in Morocco with certain legal restraints. In Egypt, polygamy is not banned by law but there are not many families of polygamy. Especially for the people who are highly educated, they tend to stick to monogamy.
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