努力拼搏 超越自我 体验高考

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“成功的标准不仅仅是“一览众山小”,真正意义上的成功应该是一次次对自己的超越。”看着这样一段话,非常有感触,愿意把这句话与准备高考的考生共享。“人生的路很漫长,关键之处只有几步”,对现在的学生和家长来说,高考就是他们心目中最为关键的一步。和过去千军万马过独木桥相比,北京、上海的高考升学率早已超过了七成,其他省市高考升学率也提高了很多,但是高三考生和家长的选择也都发生了明显变化,考名校、读好专业成为竞争的主要方向。竞争的是资源有限的北大、清华等名牌学校, “The criterion for success is not just “listing small hills and small hills.” The real success should be surpassing oneself over and over again.” Looking at such a passage, it was very touching and willing to share this sentence with the candidates preparing for the college entrance examination. . “The road to life is long and the key point is only a few steps.” For students and parents now, the college entrance examination is the most critical step in their minds. Compared with the single-armed bridge over the past, the Beijing and Shanghai college entrance exams have already exceeded 70% of the college entrance examination rate, and the entrance to higher schools in other provinces and universities has also increased a lot. However, the choices of the candidates and parents of the third grade have also changed significantly. Prestigious universities and majors have become the main direction of competition. Competition is the limited resources of Peking University, Tsinghua University and other brand-name schools.
<正> 高考语文《考试说明》“作文”部分明确要求“联想恰当,想象合理”。那么,联想型作文有什么特点,联想在作文中起什么作用,怎样去完成联想作文呢?
<正> 全国外语水平考试(WSK)是选拔国家公费留学人员的外语水平考试。全国外语水平考试从1979年开始准备,1980年正式开考,最初只有英语一个语种,所以原出国留学人员外语水平