Transition of China's Diplomacy and Foreign Relations

来源 :China & World Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coretech333
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The present paper focuses on the transformation of China’ s foreign affairs. Thetransformation is closely associated with and mutually reinforced by the developmentalchanges that have taken place in China. China’s strong economic focus has had a profoundeffect on its foreign relations and international strategies. With sustained growth over thepast three decades (1978-2008), China has become an important member of the worldcommunity. In particular, its influence has been growing in the Asia-Pacific area. China’sunique developmental model and path are recognized and scrutinized worldwide. Thepresent paper discusses special aspects of foreign aid and also explores the changes inprinciples of and approaches taken in the application of foreign aid policies. Under dualexternal and internal pressure, China has to constantly adjust, renew and improve itsapproach to diplomatic and international relations. The present paper focuses on the transformation of China’s foreign affairs. Thetransformation is closely associated with and mutually reinforced by the developmentalchanges that have taken place in China. China’s strong economic focus has had a profoundeffect on its foreign relations and international strategies. growth over thepast three decades (1978-2008), China has become an important member of the worldcommunity. China’s wonique been established in the Asia-Pacific area. China’sunique developmental model and path are recognized and scrutinized worldwide. paper discuss special aspects of foreign aid and also explores the changes inprinciples of andarches taken in the application of foreign aid policies. Under dualexternal and internal pressure, China has to constantly adjust, renew and improve its approach to diplomatic and international relations.
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