Separation and Determination of Niobium and Stibium in Diuranate

来源 :Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:h5531465
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Niobium and stibium in the diuranate were separated from uranium matrix by CL-TBP, and measured by ICP-AES. CL-TBP was filled into a chromatographic column with inner diameter of 8 mm by wet method, and the final height of the column was about 12 cm. The chromatographic column had been pre-balanced by 3 mol/L HNO3 before used. A certain amount of mixed solution of niobium and stibium was loaded onto the column; every 1 mL eluting solution was collected with the total of 15 mL. Niobium and stibium in the diuranate were separated from uranium matrix by CL-TBP, and measured by ICP-AES. CL-TBP was filled into a chromatographic column with inner diameter of 8 mm by wet method, and the final height of the column was about 12 cm. The chromatographic column had been pre-balanced by 3 mol / L HNO3 before used. A certain amount of mixed solution of niobium and stibium was loaded onto the column; every 1 mL eluting solution was collected with the total of 15 mL .
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