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夏铎铺镇位于宁乡县东部,西邻县城8公里,东距长沙24公里,全镇总面积103.4平方公里,辖10个村和3个社区,270个村(居)民小组,农业人口近4万人,国道319线、省道208线、金洲大道贯穿境内,是宁乡最靠近长沙的乡镇,素有宁乡东大门之称,诗人有云:“夏雨春风,铎振金鸣,铺连湘楚,镇锁沩宁。”夏铎铺镇是长沙“两型”社会建设示范镇之一,先导区第二个三年行动计划中被确定为三个在全省率先实现全面小康的特色示范镇之一。近年来,夏铎铺镇紧盯长沙建设“两型社会”的历史机遇, Chardonnay town is located in the east of Ningxiang County, 8 kilometers west of the county, 24 kilometers east of Changsha, the town a total area of ​​103.4 square kilometers, administer 10 villages and 3 communities, 270 village (resident) group, agricultural population Nearly 40,000 people, State Road 319 lines, Provincial Highway 208 lines, Jinzhou Avenue runs through the territory of Ningxiang is the closest town to Changsha, known as the east gate of Ningxiang, the poet said: “Summer rain spring, Tudor vibration Jin Ming, shop with Xiang Chu, town lock 沩 ning. ”“ Chardonnay town is Changsha ”two types “ social construction model town one of the pilot area second three-year action plan was identified as three in The province took the lead to achieve comprehensive well-off characteristics of one of the town. In recent years, Chardon town paved the way for the historic opportunity of building Changsha into a ”two-oriented society"