快而准 实而深——列宁写的一篇事件新闻

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《最新消息》发表在一九○五年俄历六月二十七日(公历七月十日)的《无产者报》第七号上。这是一篇事件新闻,是列宁在沙皇俄国专制统治、消息闭塞情况下,发表的有关“波将金”号装甲舰水兵起义事件的“最新消息”。事件新闻要求传递的信息快而准,一般需要记者掌握确凿的第一手材料,有的需要现场采访。然而,一九○五年俄历六月十四日,俄国黑海舰队中的装甲舰“波将金·塔弗里切斯基公爵”号上的水兵因抗议恶劣的待遇,拒绝食用生蛆的腐肉,而自发举行起义的时候,沙皇政府对这一信息予以严密封锁,调集黑海舰队镇压起义(因海军士兵不愿自相残杀而未得逞)。“波将金”号舰在起义的第二天开向正在举行总罢工的敖得萨市。但敖得萨市的孟什维克机会主义分子控制着工人运动的领导权,拒绝给起义海军以援助。列宁曾专门派遣一位布尔什维克党人——瓦西里也夫·尤仁,到敖得萨,想和“波将金”号舰联系,但是“波将金”号舰已经开往罗马尼亚海域。列宁在“波将金”号舰动向不明的情况下,根据它“曾在费奥多西亚附近的海面上出现”、想方设法“储备了食物”、“搞到了煤”等事实, The latest news was published in “Proletarian” No. 7 on June 27, 1905 (Gregorian calendar) on the Russian calendar. This is an event news which is the “latest news” about Lenin’s invasion of the “Port Gorkin” naval vessel under the authoritarian rule of Tsarist Russia. Event news requires fast and accurate delivery of information, the general need for reporters to grasp the solid first-hand materials, and some require on-site interviews. However, on June 14, 1905, the sailors on the Russian Black Sea Fleet, the armored ship “Duke Bojin Kim Taveritschky,” refused to eat raw maggots due to protest against the harsh conditions At the time of the spontaneous uprising, the tsarist government severely blocked this message and mobilized the Black Sea Fleet to suppress the uprising because the Navy soldiers were not willing to kill each other but did not succeed. On the second day of the uprising, “Bojin” ship opened to the city of Odessa where the general strike was taking place. However, the Menshevik opportunists in Odessa controlled the leadership of the workers ’movement and refused to give aid to the insurgents’ navy. Lenin specially dispatched a Bolshevik party, Vasilyev Yukon, to Ao Dessa and wanted to contact the “Potemkin” ship, but the “Potemkin” was already bound for the Romanian Sea. Lenin, under the unknown circumstances of the “Bojinjin” ship, based on the fact that it “appeared on the sea near Feodosia” and tried every means to “stock up food” and “get coal”
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