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骠马6.9%水乳剂是原德国艾格福公司与原法国罗纳普朗克农化公司合并而成立的安万特作物科学公司研制生产的一种用于小麦田的优质除草剂。它特别适用于小麦田苗后防除禾本科杂草。骠马质量可靠,选择性高,耐雨水冲刷,对小麦安全,且对后茬作物无不良影响。骠马杀草谱广,能防除多种小麦田恶性禾本科杂草,如看麦娘、野燕麦、稗草、狗尾草、硬草、风剪股颖等。骠马活性高、防效好。它是一种内吸性茎叶处理剂。药效在一般情况下比其它同类产品高。而且,耐雨性强,施药后1-3小时就能耐雨水冲刷。在喷药时均匀喷洒,可达到最高药效。骠马安全性高,对冬、春小麦有非常高的安全性。由于骠马在土壤中能迅速失去活性和分解,所以对后茬作物不会造成影响。骡马的施药期宽,可以在杂草的二叶期至分蘖末期施药,灵活性强。根据经验,最佳的施药时期为杂草2-3叶期。如果天气影响劳动力和农机的分配,或杂草出苗时间不整齐,可利用骠马 骠 horse 6.9% Aqueous emulsion is a high quality herbicide used in the wheat field developed and produced by Aventis CropSciences, a company formerly established by Agfa AG and the former French Rhône-Planck Agrochemicals. It is especially suitable for control of gramineous weeds in post-emergence wheat seedlings. Stallion is reliable, highly selective, resistant to rainfall, safe for wheat and has no adverse effect on subsequent crop production. Broadcommittal kill broad spectrum, can control a variety of wheat field of malignant grass weeds, such as looking Aman, wild oats, barnyard grass, Setaria, hard grass, wind shear shares Ying. High horse activity, good control effect. It is a suction stem and leaf treatment agent. Efficacy in the general case than other high-end products. Moreover, the rain is strong, 1-3 hours after spraying can be resistant to rain erosion. Spraying evenly spraying, can achieve the highest efficacy.骠 horses high security, winter, spring wheat has a very high safety. Because of the rapid loss of activity and decomposition of the gall in the soil, there is no impact on subsequent crop production. The mule has a wide range of applications and can be applied in the second to late tillering weeds with high flexibility. According to experience, the best application period for weeds 2-3 leaf stage. If the weather affects the distribution of labor and agricultural machinery, or weeds emergence time is not regular, you can use germans
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