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目前,在联营的乡镇企业中,一般可分为三类,一是合资经营;二是合作经营;三是协作经营。其中合资经营是双方共同投资、联合办厂。独立核算。共负盈亏,权、责、利紧密联系的法人企业。本文拟对合资经营型的乡镇企业财务会计问题谈些粗浅看法。一、乡镇企业向城市工业择“偶”攀亲。主要是为了解决技术设备、适销产品、原材料等问题。城市工业愿意与乡镇企业开展联营,主要是为了解决场地、厂房、劳力等问题。为了联营企业的稳定发展,双方必遵循互让互谅。互惠互利的原则。城市工业企业不能凭借技术、经济实力等优越条件,索取过多的经济利益,乡镇企业也不能存有“靠大厂、吃大户”的想法。二、固定资产和无形资产的计价。财政部文件规定:联营各方用于投资的资产,原则上应根据资产的新旧程度。参照国家的调拨价合理作价,也可 At present, in the township and township enterprises that are jointly owned, they can generally be divided into three categories: first, joint ventures; second, cooperative operations; and third, cooperative operations. Among them, joint ventures are jointly invested by the two parties and jointly set up factories. Independent accounting. Corporate corporations that share profits and losses, and have a close relationship between rights, responsibilities, and profits. This article intends to talk about the financial accounting problems of joint-venture township enterprises. First, township and township enterprises choose “even” to take pro-colleges with urban industries. Mainly to solve technical equipment, marketable products, raw materials and other issues. Urban industry is willing to carry out joint ventures with township and village enterprises, mainly to solve problems such as site, factory buildings and labor. In order to ensure the stable development of joint ventures, both parties must observe mutual understanding and mutual understanding. The principle of mutual benefit. Urban industrial enterprises cannot rely on superior conditions such as technology and economic strength to obtain excessive economic benefits, and township and township enterprises must not have the idea of ​​relying on big factories and large households. Second, the valuation of fixed assets and intangible assets. The Ministry of Finance documents stipulate that the assets used by the parties to an investment in an investment should, in principle, be based on the oldness of the asset. Reference to the country’s transfer price is reasonable, but also
山东省荣成市位于祖国海岸线的最东端,与韩国、日本隔海相望,是我国海防的前沿。 荣成市有一处美丽的港湾,呈马蹄形,南临黄海,三面松林苍翠。每年11月份,成千上万只白天鹅从
本文从乡镇企业的特性出发,即从乡镇企业的多层次性、行业的多样性、生产的灵活性,技术的薄弱性、家底的贫乏性及管理的落后性,分析了乡镇企业情报需求的特点。 This articl
1 前言 在发动机运转中气缸孔变形使润滑和活塞环对气缸孔适应性的恶化等方面造成许多问题,尤其是使润滑油消耗量(LOC)增加,这些都是众所周知的。我们的研究试验室所做的气
马上就到6月了,3年的努力即将在考场上一分高下,这个时候,除了在学业上再接再厉,把自己的身体和情绪调整到最佳状态也非常的重要。有的同学越是临近高考越是紧张,甚至失眠,有的同学则希望通过食补甚至吊针氨基酸来进行补脑,这些方法真的有用吗?正确的做法是什么呢?  最后阶段反而要缩短学习时间?  在最后的冲刺阶段,想要通过这短短的二十天来使自己的成绩有个大的飞跃,大家其实心里都知道是不可能的。所以,重要的