解放思想 奋力开拓——开创建筑为本、多元经营新局面

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近几年,各类建安企业坚持一业为主、多元经营,一业兴旺、百业跟上的方针,着力调整产业结构,加大了工业和第三产业开发的力度,其规模和素质都取得了长足的进步,走上了以企业人才、技术、管理等优势为依托,以开发实业为主体,以流通服务为补充的良性发展轨道,实现产值、利税连年跨大步。仅以泰兴市建安系统为例,1992年,该市建安系统多元经营共完成产值6400万元,比上年增长112%;实现利税840万元,比上年增长164%。与主业相比,产值、利税、从业人员等所占比例已基本成为“三分天下有其一”,促进了该市建筑业超常规、跳跃式发展局面的形成。 In recent years, various Jian’an enterprises have adhered to the principle of one industry as their main business, diversified operations, one industry thriving, and one hundred industries to keep up with, focusing on adjusting the industrial structure and increasing the intensity of industrial and tertiary industry development. Their scale and quality have been achieved. With great progress, we have embarked on a benign development track based on the advantages of corporate talent, technology, and management, with development and industry as the main body, supplemented by circulation services, and achieved output value, profits, and taxation striding over the years. Take the Tai’an Jian’an system as an example. In 1992, the city’s Jian’an system achieved a total value of 64 million yuan in output from diversified operations, an increase of 112% over the previous year, and a profit and tax of 8.4 million yuan, an increase of 164% over the previous year. Compared with the main industry, the proportion of output value, profits and taxes, and employees has basically become “one of the three points in the world”, which has promoted the formation of an extraordinary and leap-forward development in the city’s construction industry.
全国施工工作研讨会于3月1日至6日在海南省海口市召开,各省、自治区、直辖市建委、建设(建工)厅(局)和国务院各部委基建部门从事施工管理工作的近百名代表参加了会议。 建设
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