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一、大连开发区和苏州工业园可供借鉴的几点经验 我们龙岗大工业区政策规定课题组在大连经济技术开发区和苏州工业园区学习考察期间发现,两个开发区在招商引资和高起点发展现代工业方面均有特色,给我们的启示很多,针对即将举办的龙岗大工业区,我们认为下面几点特别具有可借鉴意义。 1、吸引外商成片开发土地,探索新的投资开发方式。 由外商成片开发土地,这种利用外资的形式深圳也曾探索过,但一直比较谨慎,没有突破性进展。大连和苏州在这方面迈的步子比较大,一是成片开发的面积大,大连两个成片开发区,一个是与日商合作开发的工业团地,一个是与台商合作的 First, Dalian Development Zone and Suzhou Industrial Park, learn from a few experiences Our Longgang Industrial Zone policy provisions of the Task Force in Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone and Suzhou Industrial Park during the study and study found that two development zones in the investment and a high starting point The development of modern industry has its own characteristics, giving us a lot of inspiration for the upcoming Longgang large industrial area, we think the following points particularly have a reference. 1. Attract foreign investors to develop land and explore new ways of investment and development. Developed by foreign investors into a piece of land, this form of foreign investment has also been explored in Shenzhen, but has been more cautious, there is no breakthrough. Dalian and Suzhou have made big strides in this area. The first is the large-scale development of the area. Two development zones in Dalian, one is an industrial cluster developed in cooperation with Japanese businessmen and the other is the cooperation with Taiwanese businessmen
Tensile creep of nano-gramed (27 nm) and coarse-grained (250 nm) samples of Fe78B13S19 alloy has been studied at temperatures around 0.5 Tm( Tm is the melting
非洲经济一体化进展缓慢原因分析姚桂梅ONCAUSESOFTHESLOWPROGRESSOFAFRICA'SECONOMICINTEGRATION¥(YaoGuimei)Abstract:Africa'seconomicintegrationorigi... Analysis of the Causes of Slow Economic Integration in Africa Yao Guimei ONCAUSESOFTHESLOWPROGRESSOFAFRICA’SECONOMICIN
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