Nobody available 谁都没空

来源 :疯狂英语·爱英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangyofoo
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  I was going to bed the other night when my wife told me that I had left the light on in the shed(藏室). She could see it from the bedroom window.
  As I looked for myself, I saw that there were people in the shed taking things. I phoned the police, but they told me that no one was in this area to help at this time, but they would send someone over as soon as they were available (有空的;可利用的).
  I said OK, hung up, and waited one minute, then phoned the police back. “Hello. I just called you a minute ago because there were people in my shed. Well, you dont have to worry about them now because Ive shot them all.”
  Within five minutes there were half a dozen (半打;六个) police cars in the area. And the alarm (警报器) works. Of course, they caught the thieves. One of the officers said, “I thought you said that youd shot them!” I replied with “I thought you said there was nobody available!”
   ?1.The 8?year?old girl is the winner of the first prize in the childrens singing contest.
  2.As teenagers, we should be full of youthful spirit.
  3.This song often reminds me of my childhood.
  ?1.If it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will go to the zoo.
  2.Do you know what is wrong with him?
  3.The student who is answering the question is John.
  ?1.He is one of the tallest boys in our class.
  2.Mr. Wang always makes me answer the questions in class.
  3.She is regarded as an excellent monitor.
  4.Compared with life on the Earth, life on the Mars would be better in some ways.
  ?1.Who is the woman talking to our English teacher?
  2.We started early in order to arrive before dark.
  3.The student dressed in red is my daughter.
  ?1.He left the table with dirty water, without drying or cleaning it.
  2.When Li Hua was a child, he learned English by reading a story book with pictures in it.
  3.She said that she would try to make progress and indeed she managed to do it.
  ?1.On hearing the good news, we all jumped with joy.
  2.Before I could stop her, she had rushed into the office.
  3.At that time, my mother was too weak to stand up.   同龄世界
斗拱魅力    2006年上海双年展期间,上海美术馆的北门一角出现了以1:1的比例复原的山西五台山佛光寺东大殿斗拱。它突兀地裸露在这座欧式的美术馆建筑之外,面对着周围林立的现代都市楼宇,从而形成强烈的视觉反差,激活了人们在双年展“超设计”现场上超越时空的心理感受。  斗拱作为中国古代工匠的独特创造,为中国传统建筑增添了举世无双的风格与魅力。斗拱在屋脊之下,起着承重的实用功能。然而中国古代工匠的高超
网络游戏(简称“网游”),自带“魔性”的魅力,吸引大批量玩家为之疯狂,为之倾囊而出。众星捧月下,该行业也逐渐“金碧辉煌”起来。根据《2019年中国游戏产业报告》,2019年中国游戏市场实际销售收入2308.8亿元,中国游戏用户规模达到6.4亿人,我国网游产业已成为世界最具影响力的市场。  然而,看起来很美的网游市场背后,却存在满目疮痍的“深坑”:對正版网游开发商而言,面临盗版、知识产权受侵害的威胁
饰品也是女人的一张脸,用手打造美丽女人的漂亮而独特的饰品,或者张扬,或者内敛,或者低调,是一种幸福。    竹帘下的工作室  在河南郑州兴华北街的一侧,有一个饰品工作间——“玛雅美人饰”,红色的楷体镶嵌在绿色的底色里,令人耳目一新。走入店里,左边是正在做饰品的员工,右边墙上挂着不少腰绳,各种饰品在灯光下闪耀。不管是员工的认真穿针引线,还是腰绳的细致做工,总可以让眼睛有停放的地方。  这是玛雅美人饰
又到了岁末,也意味着2008年的“创意手工”就要落下帷幕。在这漫长而又短暂的一年之中,有很多新朋友加入到活动中来。除了展示自己的作品,他们也带来了不同的心情。那些动手背后的故事,既纯粹又斑斓,犹如彩虹般点缀着每个人的心空。或许,“创意手工”的意义不在于改变了什么,而是因为它就像冬天里的一把火,可以时刻温暖心田,让平淡的生活不再清冷。这就够了。祝愿每一个和创意手工在一起的人不寂寞,会快乐!  200
资讯·新品  天价丽嘉娃娃  近日,一款特制的丽嘉娃娃亮相日本东京。娃娃头戴钻石皇冠,身披镶有881颗钻石的长袍,一共51.433克拉,价值10亿日元。    价值8万欧元的单车  北欧斯堪的纳维亚设计公司Aurumania制作了10辆顶级自行车,全部用24k足金打造,每辆车都镶了600颗施华洛世奇水晶。另外,为了让骑车人更感舒适而用上了限量版的皮制座椅,售价80,000 欧元。        奢
It is well known that dogs can use their highly developed sense of smell to search out drugs and disaster survivors. Now, some dogs are being trained to find a different kind of threat—plant species t
选题来源:上海市黄浦区人民检察院  案件类型:诈骗罪  神秘的委托信,悬疑烧脑剧情,刺激的1V4对抗玩法,“第五人格”凭借其独特的画面和游戏性成为了许多玩家的热捧手游,有的甚至不惜砸重金购买账号以提升自己的游戏体验感,但是玩家交易账号却暗藏许多风险。  “对方跟我宣称自己的账號是全‘皮肤’以及全‘挂件’的,在交易市场上能值两万多元,”被害人小艺(系未成年人)回忆道,“最后我们协商以13000元人民
凭借在开发基因组编辑方法方面做出的贡献,詹妮弗·杜德纳和埃马纽埃尔·卡彭蒂耶成为2020年诺贝尔化学奖获得者。而詹妮弗·杜德纳对基因科学的痴迷最早始于其在六年级时读到的一本书——《双螺旋》。  When Jennifer Doudna was in sixth grade, she came home one day to find that her dad had left a book tit
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曾经被忽视的最简单的时刻,成了日记和生活中的亮点。虽然这本日记本没有任何金钱价值,但它能捕捉作者每天感恩的时刻。  One of my most beloved possessions is my black, spiral?bound journal. It is a thin, wide?ruled, simple journal with no lock or key that I foun