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先秦的哲学思想是绿色文化的光辉一页中国哲学思想史上最光辉的一页,发生在公元前200多年以前的春秋战国时代,当时由于诸侯割据,相互斗争,优胜劣败,政治上的多元化产生了思想学术上的多元化,因此就形成一个百家争鸣、异彩纷呈的繁荣局面。特别是在讨论“天人合一”的哲学思想方面,如何认识自然、保护自然、人和自然要和谐相处等问题上,产生了许多精辟的言论:庄子说:“天地与我并生,而万物与我为一。”老子说:“天之道,损有余而补不足;人之道则不然,损不足以奉有余。”意思是自然的规律是,多余的会被淘汰,而稀缺的会得到补充,以保持平衡的状态;而人的 The pre-Qin philosophical thought is the glorious page of green culture The most glorious page in the history of Chinese philosophical thought took place in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period more than 200 years before the BC. At that time, due to vassal separatism, mutual struggle, victorious defeat and political pluralism Resulting in an academic academic pluralism, thus forming a prosperous situation with a hundred schools of thought contending and colorful. Especially in discussing the philosophical thinking of “harmony between man and nature”, he has produced many brilliant remarks on such issues as how to understand nature, protect nature, and people and nature should live in harmony. Zhuangzi said: “Heaven and Earth are united with me and All things are with me. ”Lao Tzu said:“ The Tao of Heaven is more than enough to make up for the damage; the Tao of Man is not, and the damage is not sufficient. ”Means that the law of nature is that excess will be eliminated and the scarce Will be supplemented to maintain a balanced state; and human
在每个人成长的道路上,总会有一些刻骨铭心的瞬间,使我们突然意识到了某种责任,懂得了某些简单而深刻的道理。 There is always something unforgettable on the path of ea
也许你的心中从没有如此泾渭分明,懵懵懂懂的,可后来的结果却无一不是青红两判,明明白白的。 Perhaps your mind has never been so distinct, clumsy and understandable,
生活有时候像一场漫长的游戏,一直到死神召唤,才会在人生的屏幕上显示:GAME OVER。虽然说盖棺才能论定,有些悲观的人已经品尝到“人到中年万事休”的滋味了,因为人生这场游
当时多少可憎的事情最后会变得那么刻骨铭心,全是因为爱的光辉,在时间的河流中淡淡地闪现了出来,最后在我们的心灵深处堆积成阳光般的温暖,照耀我们一生。 At that time how
其实,与其将脆弱短暂的生命消耗在模糊的守望里,倒真不如,珍惜今朝,活得随心快乐。 In fact, instead of using the fragile and short-lived life in a vague watch, it is