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一、概说 我们现在处于20—21世纪之交,延安时代已离我们半个多世纪了,现在来谈延安精神有无必要呢?当然,我觉得很必要,因为它标志着中华民族、中国革命一段辉煌的历史,后人世世代代都不应忘记;而且延安精神的核心与精髓具有不朽的性质,已经融入中华优秀传统的命脉之中,不断开花结果。尽管时代不同,历史前进了,延安精神现在和将来都应该永远继承下去、并发扬光大,对中华民族的振兴和国家强盛都具有巨大意义。 什么是延安精神呢?一句话很难概括,我想了一想,认为可不可以说:延安精神是中华民族悠久深厚的文化精神和中国革命优良传统的模范继承和发扬光大的产物,是由中国共产党主导的在抗日战争和解放战争导致我国历史翻天覆地变化的那个特定历史阶段的产物,是由延安和陕甘宁边区以及老革命根据地广大人民群众特别是我军广大指战员直接参与、 I. Overview Now that we are at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, the Yan’an era has been more than half a century away from us. Is it necessary to talk about Yan’an’s spirit now? Of course, I think it is necessary because it marks the beginning of the Chinese nation, the Chinese The brilliant history of the revolution will not be forgotten by future generations from generation to generation. Moreover, the essence and essence of the Yan’an spirit are of an immortal nature and have been incorporated into the lifelines of the excellent Chinese tradition and blossom continuously. Despite the changing times and the advancing history, the spirit of Yan’an should be inherited forever, prospered and flourished and of great significance to the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the prosperity of the country. What is Yan’an Spirit? One sentence can hardly be summed up. I thought for a moment and thought that it is fair to say that the Yan’an Spirit is the product of the long-established profound cultural spirit of the Chinese nation and the exemplary inheritance and development of the excellent tradition of the Chinese revolution. It is composed of the Chinese Communist Party The product of that particular historical stage dominated by the anti-Japanese war and the war of liberation that led to tremendous changes in the history of our country was the direct participation of the broad masses of the people in the border areas of Yanan and Shaanxi, Gansu-Ninghyah, and the old revolutionary base areas, especially the broad commanders and soldiers of our army.
我院1983年11月至1985年4月共作纤支镜检查180例,现报告如下。 资料与方法 一、临床资料:本组住院患者48例,门诊132例;男124例,女56例;年龄最小14岁,最大73岁,>60岁46例。 1
如今,父母们都望子成龙。初衷没错,但是怎样才能让孩子成龙,却仁者见仁,智者见智。山东省青岛市的一对年轻父母,为了培养女儿成才,在农村长大的他们坚信“棍棒教育”才能成就孩子的美好人生。结果,他们费尽苦心不但没让女儿成才,反而因为走火入魔,让原本天真烂漫的女儿从七楼纵身跳下……  望女成凤:  年轻父母崇尚“棍棒教育”  1999年2月底,在山东青岛居住的孙小东和赵小青喜不自禁,因为他们有了女儿孙正雯